Top News
Is Cowichan Valley Canada’s Next Great Wine Country?

Is Cowichan Valley Canada’s Next Great Wine Country?

A two-hour fer­ry across the Sal­ish Sea from the city of Van­cou­ver is the 285-mile-long Van­cou­ver Island, a pic­turesque land­scape that deliv­ers clas­sic Pacif­ic North­west panora­mas: crys­talline lakes, dense forests and cold…

On Alcohol and Cancer—Be Happy, You're Gonna Be Just Fine

On Alcohol and Cancer—Be Happy, You're Gonna Be Just Fine

Wild claims about can­cer and drink­ing leave out the impor­tant part.

Top wineries (and more) to explore in Nova Scotia: A travel guide

Top wineries (and more) to explore in Nova Scotia: A travel guide

Alana Lapierre recent­ly vis­it­ed the Annapo­lis Val­ley, Gaspereau Val­ley, and…

Another piece in the puzzle – Moderate wine consumption can decrease inflammation markers
Potential protective effect of moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages against type 2 diabetes?

Recent News

Blue Mountain releases premium wines from 2022

Blue Mountain releases premium wines from 2022

Dur­ing a recent trip to the Okana­gan, I drove past the pic­turesque Blue…

Who wants organic wines today?

Who wants organic wines today?

In France, sales of organ­ic wines are a bit slow now. But there are export mar­kets…


The wine lover's guide to Niagara, Canada

    The wine lover's guide to Niagara, Canada

    The world’s prime wine-pro­duc­ing regions are locat­ed between the 30th and 50th…

    Eat And Drink Your Way Through This Underrated Canadian Wine Region

    Eat And Drink Your Way Through This Underrated Canadian Wine Region

    tum­ble into a dis­cus­sion on great Cana­di­an wines and you might assume the…


    Coming out party for The Crush’s Rennie Estate and 2027 Cellars wine

    Coming out party for The Crush’s Rennie Estate and 2027 Cellars wine

    The first few per­fect rows of Caber­net Sauvi­gnon, plant­ed on a rare west-fac­ing…

    Blue Mountain releases premium wines from 2022

    Blue Mountain releases premium wines from 2022

    Dur­ing a recent trip to the Okana­gan, I drove past the pic­turesque Blue…

    News (Continued)

    Innovative grape and wine industry research in a cool climate region

      Innovative grape and wine industry research in a cool climate region

      Jim Will­w­erth, Assis­tant Pro­fes­sor and Researcher at the Cool Cli­mate Oenol­o­gy…

      How vineyards closer to the sun are evading climate change

      How vineyards closer to the sun are evading climate change

      High-alti­tude grape farm­ing has moved from fringe inter­est hot top­ic. Kath­leen…

      The League of Farmers has a home of their own, plus our picks from LCBO releases

      The League of Farmers has a home of their own, plus our picks from LCBO releases

      With a group clink­ing of glass­es to wel­come the grape har­vest in Nia­gara, the…

      How to lay the groundwork for making alcohol-free wine

      How to lay the groundwork for making alcohol-free wine

      From vine­yards to vac­u­um dis­til­la­tion, Zeno has learned that every stage of the…

      U-Label: Wine & Spirits sectors launch ground-breaking digital labeling

      U-Label: Wine & Spirits sectors launch ground-breaking digital labeling

      U‑Label, a con­sumer-friend­ly e‑label plat­form that will enable con­sumers across…

      ‘Hundreds of millions’ of wine labels to be destroyed

      ‘Hundreds of millions’ of wine labels to be destroyed

      New Euro­pean Com­mis­sion guide­lines con­cern­ing the labelling of wine bot­tles could…

      Agriculture industry proud of positive changes to its TFW programs

        Agriculture industry proud of positive changes to its TFW programs

        There have been many gov­ern­ment announce­ments late­ly regard­ing changes to the…

        Half of heavier drinkers say calorie labels on alcohol would lead to a change in their drinking habits

          Half of heavier drinkers say calorie labels on alcohol would lead to a change in their drinking…

          Just over half of heav­ier drinkers in Eng­land say they would make changes to their…

          Devil’s Advocate: 8% ‘Mid-Strength’ Wine. A Trend to Watch

          Devil’s Advocate: 8% ‘Mid-Strength’ Wine. A Trend to Watch

          Robert Joseph notes that some of the world’s best known brands are now pro­duc­ing wines…

          Blue Zone Research: Sorry, Wine May Not Help You to Live to 100 After All

            Blue Zone Research: Sorry, Wine May Not Help You to Live to 100 After All

            A new study debunks the wine-friend­ly Blue Zones sto­ry. Felic­i­ty Carter reports.

            The Campaign to Remove Wine from Your Dinner Table

            The Campaign to Remove Wine from Your Dinner Table

            Why is a pan­el of sub­stance-abuse experts from an agency focused on pre­vent­ing…

            Is Wine Facing Prohibition 2.0?

            Is Wine Facing Prohibition 2.0?

            Near­ly a cen­tu­ry on from the last alco­hol ban in the USA, younger gen­er­a­tions…

            Tourism (Continued)

            Discover the Most Distinctive Wineries in Western Canada

            Discover the Most Distinctive Wineries in Western Canada

            It’s har­vest sea­son in the North Okana­gan, a nation­al trea­sure with a cool…

            A Toast to Canadian Wine  - As Canada Day approaches we celebrate changemakers in the industry

              A Toast to Canadian Wine - As Canada Day approaches we celebrate changemakers in the industry

              Though Cana­da is not nec­es­sar­i­ly asso­ci­at­ed with its wine indus­try, with…

              Wine tourism with a green focus

                Wine tourism with a green focus

                A wine tourism con­fer­ence in Por­tu­gal this Octo­ber will pro­mote inno­va­tion and…

                A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 942: River Stone Wines and an Anniversary Dinner

                Wine Information Council

                Different risk of gout depending on the alcoholic beverage consumed?

                  Different risk of gout depending on the alcoholic beverage consumed?

                  Gout, which devel­ops with increased urate con­cen­tra­tions, is the most com­mon form of…

                  Does a threshold in the consumption of alcoholic beverages exist to minimise risk?

                    Does a threshold in the consumption of alcoholic beverages exist to minimise risk?

                    The cur­rent study used data from the UK Biobank to car­ry out a prospec­tive…

                    Healthy lifestyle changes can delay risk of death and longevity
                    Interview with Dr. Creina Stockley

                      Interview with Dr. Creina Stockley

                      Can we believe our own eyes? Lower risk of diabetes for moderate wine drinkers?
                      Wine consumption in the context of a healthy lifestyle and cancer risk
                      Wine/alcoholic beverages – General health aspects

                        Wine/alcoholic beverages – General health aspects


                        Scholarship recipient began wine career as a backpacker

                          Scholarship recipient began wine career as a backpacker

                          Patrick Gilhooly, direc­tor of This­tle­down Wines, has been award­ed the Wayne Thomas…

                          Viticulture programme to turn vineyard productivity into profitability

                            Viticulture programme to turn vineyard productivity into profitability

                            Vine­yard prof­itabil­i­ty is key to ensur­ing a thriv­ing wine indus­try. As costs…

                            Crafting change: A celebration of Italian women in wine & spirits

                              Crafting change: A celebration of Italian women in wine & spirits

                              The wine and spir­its indus­try is evolv­ing, with women at the fore­front as lead­ers…

                              Responsible Consumption

                              Supported by

                              Americans Deserve Alcohol Guidelines Driven by Science

                              Americans Deserve Alcohol Guidelines Driven by Science

                              The Dietary Guide­lines for Amer­i­cans (DGAs) have long served as a road map for…

                              Proposing the Most Draconian Assault On Wine in Decades
                              Blue Zone Research: Sorry, Wine May Not Help You to Live to 100 After All

                                Blue Zone Research: Sorry, Wine May Not Help You to Live to 100 After All

                                A new study debunks the wine-friend­ly Blue Zones sto­ry. Felic­i­ty Carter reports.


                                  Wine + Health 2: Wine Additives, Why They're Used, and Wine and Health Research with Creina…

                                  Why do wine­mak­ers add chem­i­cals to wine? Are these addi­tives dan­ger­ous? How do we…

                                  Wine + Health 3: A Look Behind the Anti-Alcohol Movement with Christopher Snowdon

                                    Wine + Health 3: A Look Behind the Anti-Alcohol Movement with Christopher Snowdon

                                    Who are the peo­ple behind the anti-alco­hol move­ment? And why are there so many…

                                      The Fun Police

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