Top News
The Power of Choice: Navigating Health and Lifestyle Decisions over the Holidays

The Power of Choice: Navigating Health and Lifestyle Decisions over the Holidays

“Choice” has been a big word this year. In our rapid­ly evolv­ing world, where infor­ma­tion flows freely and con­nec­tions are made instant­ly, we find our­selves at a cross­roads of end­less pos­si­bil­i­ties when it comes to our health…

5 Macro Trends and Their Potential Impact on the Wine Marketplace

5 Macro Trends and Their Potential Impact on the Wine Marketplace

The poten­tial Impact of these trends could be huge for the wine industry

Another piece in the puzzle – Moderate wine consumption can decrease inflammation markers
2024 Wine Law Conference in April – Toronto

2024 Wine Law Conference in April – Toronto

The 2024 AIDV Cana­da wine law con­fer­ence and annu­al gen­er­al meet­ing will be held…

2024 Chardonnay du Monde Awards Results

2024 Chardonnay du Monde Awards Results

The 31st annu­al Chardon­nay du Monde® com­pe­ti­tion was held on 13 to 15…

Recent News

Light and moderate wine consumption linked to lower risk of cardiovascular complications

    Light and moderate wine consumption linked to lower risk of cardiovascular complications

    Light and mod­er­ate con­sump­tion of wine is asso­ci­at­ed with a low­er risk of…

    Grape growers hope to curb the flow of foreign juice into Canada

    Grape growers hope to curb the flow of foreign juice into Canada

    A 7,000-tonne sur­plus of grapes in Ontario fol­low­ing the fall har­vest has grow­ers…


    Canada’s Niagara Icewine Festival 2025: Three Weekends Of Winter Fun

    Canada’s Niagara Icewine Festival 2025: Three Weekends Of Winter Fun

    Dis­cov­er the 2025 Nia­gara Icewine Fes­ti­val Jan 10 to 26. Enjoy VQA Icewine, food…

    Ontario Winemaker’s Harvest 2024 Interview

      Ontario Winemaker’s Harvest 2024 Interview

      This is my sev­enth year inter­view­ing wine­mak­ers or win­ery prin­ci­pals in Ontario…


      Grape growers hope to curb the flow of foreign juice into Canada

      Grape growers hope to curb the flow of foreign juice into Canada

      A 7,000-tonne sur­plus of grapes in Ontario fol­low­ing the fall har­vest has grow­ers…

      Terravista releases its 2024 Albariño

      Terravista releases its 2024 Albariño

      The first wine from the 2024 vin­tage has just been released by Ter­rav­ista Vine­yards:…

      News (Continued)

      EU wine reforms aim to tackle oversupply and climate change

      EU wine reforms aim to tackle oversupply and climate change

      Fol­low­ing a meet­ing in Brus­sels this week, the EU has unveiled…

      Lies and Slight of Hand in Europe and Oregon Define Alcohol Debate

      Lies and Slight of Hand in Europe and Oregon Define Alcohol Debate

      Famed health jour­nal spreads lies that will be used in the States in alco­hol debate

      Ontario’s Top 20 Wineries of 2024

        Ontario’s Top 20 Wineries of 2024

        Announc­ing the Top 20 Winer­ies of 2024! Stand­outs from diverse regions through­out the…

        All the medallists from the Riesling Masters

        All the medallists from the Riesling Masters

        Ries­ling may some­times be sad­ly under­val­ued by con­sumers, but there’s no doubt­ing…

        Blending, Bending, and Breaking the Rules: The New Wine Frontier

          Blending, Bending, and Breaking the Rules: The New Wine Frontier

          Younger Gen­er­a­tions Rede­fine Wine

          What are the new wine trends to look out for in 2025?

          What are the new wine trends to look out for in 2025?

          Stay­ing abreast of incom­ing wine trends will keep your offer­ing cred­i­ble and in line…

          We Spoke to 3 Women Working in Wine. Is Business Really Down?

          We Spoke to 3 Women Working in Wine. Is Business Really Down?

          There’s actu­al­ly some sur­pris­ing trends, when it comes to con­sumers’ drink­ing…

          The sober curious movement is gaining steam; here's how to take part

          The sober curious movement is gaining steam; here's how to take part

          Tak­ing a break from booze has tons of benefits

          Dementia after 60 Less Likely with Moderate Alcohol Consumption-Report

          Dementia after 60 Less Likely with Moderate Alcohol Consumption-Report

          New research report demon­strates non-drinkers and exces­sive drinkers at much greater…

          For the Alcohol Industry, Trump’s Tariffs Look Even More Chaotic This Time Around

          For the Alcohol Industry, Trump’s Tariffs Look Even More Chaotic This Time Around

          The effects of Pres­i­dent-elect Trump’s pro­posed tar­iffs hinge on the same ques­tion…

          Global wine production falls to lowest level since 1961

          Global wine production falls to lowest level since 1961

          Glob­al wine pro­duc­tion has plum­met­ed to a 63-year low after frost, heavy rains…

          Global wine production hits historic low

          Global wine production hits historic low

          Glob­al wine is set to hit a 60-year low as cli­mate change and eco­nom­ic…

          Tourism (Continued)

          Flat Rock cellar raid, Nyarai back in action, a unique Gris from Last House

          Flat Rock cellar raid, Nyarai back in action, a unique Gris from Last House

          A rare oppor­tu­ni­ty awaits Nia­gara wine lovers this week­end as Flat Rock Cel­lars…

          6 Best Proseccos, Cavas and Sparkling Wines versus Champagne (Video)

          6 Best Proseccos, Cavas and Sparkling Wines versus Champagne (Video)

          On The Social, we chat about ter­rif­ic sparkling wines for the hol­i­days. Most peo­ple…

          Interior BC Winemaker’s Harvest 2024 Interview

            Interior BC Winemaker’s Harvest 2024 Interview

            This year’s har­vest in the BC inte­ri­or was extreme­ly dif­fer­ent from past har­vests…

            Poplar Grove begins releasing library wines

            Poplar Grove begins releasing library wines

            Poplar Grove Estate Win­ery has begun to open its library of its best red wines both for…

            Wine Information Council

            Mediterranean diet can lower risk of Type 2 diabetes – even in non-Mediterranean population

              Mediterranean diet can lower risk of Type 2 diabetes – even in non-Mediterranean population

              The increas­ing glob­al preva­lence of type 2 dia­betes shows the crit­i­cal…

              To drink or not to drink? Investigating alcohol’s impact on prostate cancer risk

                To drink or not to drink? Investigating alcohol’s impact on prostate cancer risk

                Prostate can­cer (PCa) is one of the most com­mon­ly diag­nosed can­cers in men…

                J-curve – can also be found with moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages and neurological disorders

                  J-curve – can also be found with moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages and neurological…

                  Alco­hol use is asso­ci­at­ed with a wide spec­trum of neu­ro­log­i­cal dis­or­ders,…

                  Dr. Estruch reiterates the validity of the J-Curve

                    Dr. Estruch reiterates the validity of the J-Curve

                    Sci­en­tif­ic stud­ies val­i­date the exis­tence of the so-called ​“J‑Curve,” which…

                    Scientific highlights from the OIV congress 2024 in Dijon (Commission IV: Health and Safety)
                    Research opportunity – FIVIN announces the second edition of the “wine, nutrition and health” research grants

                      Research opportunity – FIVIN announces the second edition of the “wine, nutrition and health”…

                      The Foun­da­tion for Wine and Nutri­tion Research – FIVIN – announces the sec­ond…

                      Different risk of gout depending on the alcoholic beverage consumed?

                        Different risk of gout depending on the alcoholic beverage consumed?

                        Gout, which devel­ops with increased urate con­cen­tra­tions, is the most com­mon form of…


                        EU wine reforms aim to tackle oversupply and climate change

                        EU wine reforms aim to tackle oversupply and climate change

                        Fol­low­ing a meet­ing in Brus­sels this week, the EU has unveiled…

                        British wine industry secures government funding for robotics project

                        British wine industry secures government funding for robotics project

                        A pio­neer­ing robot­ics project that will serve the British wine indus­try has secured…

                        Lies and Slight of Hand in Europe and Oregon Define Alcohol Debate

                        Lies and Slight of Hand in Europe and Oregon Define Alcohol Debate

                        Famed health jour­nal spreads lies that will be used in the States in alco­hol debate

                        Responsible Consumption

                        Supported by

                        Light and moderate wine consumption linked to lower risk of cardiovascular complications

                          Light and moderate wine consumption linked to lower risk of cardiovascular complications

                          Light and mod­er­ate con­sump­tion of wine is asso­ci­at­ed with a low­er risk of…

                          Lies and Slight of Hand in Europe and Oregon Define Alcohol Debate

                          Lies and Slight of Hand in Europe and Oregon Define Alcohol Debate

                          Famed health jour­nal spreads lies that will be used in the States in alco­hol debate

                          What are the new wine trends to look out for in 2025?

                          What are the new wine trends to look out for in 2025?

                          Stay­ing abreast of incom­ing wine trends will keep your offer­ing cred­i­ble and in line…


                            Wine + Health 2: Wine Additives, Why They're Used, and Wine and Health Research with Creina…

                            Why do wine­mak­ers add chem­i­cals to wine? Are these addi­tives dan­ger­ous? How do we…

                            Wine + Health 3: A Look Behind the Anti-Alcohol Movement with Christopher Snowdon

                              Wine + Health 3: A Look Behind the Anti-Alcohol Movement with Christopher Snowdon

                              Who are the peo­ple behind the anti-alco­hol move­ment? And why are there so many…

                                The Fun Police

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