EU wine reforms aim to tackle oversupply and climate change

EU wine reforms aim to tackle oversupply and climate change

Fol­low­ing a meet­ing in Brus­sels this week, the EU has unveiled a com­pre­hen­sive plan to revi­talise its wine sector.

British wine industry secures government funding for robotics project

British wine industry secures government funding for robotics project

A pio­neer­ing robot­ics project that will serve the British wine indus­try has secured…

Lies and Slight of Hand in Europe and Oregon Define Alcohol Debate

Lies and Slight of Hand in Europe and Oregon Define Alcohol Debate

Famed health jour­nal spreads lies that will be used in the States in alco­hol debate

US alcohol industry set for slow recovery after ‘reset year’ in 2023

US alcohol industry set for slow recovery after ‘reset year’ in 2023

Eco­nom­ic pres­sures and chang­ing habits hit US alco­hol sales in 2023, but growth in…

Should France’s wine industry fear a new Trump tariff?

Should France’s wine industry fear a new Trump tariff?

Dur­ing his recent pres­i­den­tial cam­paign, Don­ald Trump dis­played a fierce…

US seasonal outlook mixed as industry holds breath on tariffs

US seasonal outlook mixed as industry holds breath on tariffs

Will he or won’t he? As a mer­cu­r­ial leader ascends in the U.S., wine pros ral­ly…

The local nonalcoholic wine alternative taking Michelin-starred restaurants by storm

The local nonalcoholic wine alternative taking Michelin-starred restaurants by storm

Kally, a ver­jus-based wine alter­na­tive, launch­es non­al­co­holic bev­er­age with…

What are the 4 Best Wines and Whiskies to Give as Holiday Gifts?

What are the 4 Best Wines and Whiskies to Give as Holiday Gifts?

‘Tis the sea­son for hol­i­day enter­tain­ing and gift giv­ing. What if you’d like to…

Is Monastrell the climate-adaptable grape the industry needs?

Is Monastrell the climate-adaptable grape the industry needs?

As cli­mate change becomes an unavoid­able real­i­ty, adap­ta­tion is evi­dent across the…

Spotted Lanternfly Continues Spreading and Devastating Grape Growing Regions of Ohio

    Spotted Lanternfly Continues Spreading and Devastating Grape Growing Regions of Ohio

    The spot­ted lantern­fly (Lycor­ma del­i­cat­u­la) (SLF) con­tin­ues make the news, both…

    Trump returns: The impact on the US wine industry

    Trump returns: The impact on the US wine industry

    In the wake of a his­toric nation­al elec­tion, US wine pro­duc­ers are brac­ing for…

    Bourgogne wine see global growth despite difficult market conditions

    Bourgogne wine see global growth despite difficult market conditions

    Bur­gundy is in a ​“favourable posi­tion” with pos­i­tive growth in both the French and…

    What the US wine industry needs from its next agriculture secretary

    What the US wine industry needs from its next agriculture secretary

    Declin­ing sales, labour uncer­tain­ty, and loom­ing tar­iff ten­sions: db speaks to…

    Winemaking innovation seen as the path back to profitability at SIMEI 2024

    Winemaking innovation seen as the path back to profitability at SIMEI 2024

    The adop­tion of advanced tech­nol­o­gy, to improve effi­cien­cies and cut pro­duc­tion…

    What Happens When Consumers Ask for Change to Alcohol Shipping Laws

    What Happens When Consumers Ask for Change to Alcohol Shipping Laws

    A Ten­nessee man is about to find out

    Chablis wineries see ‘crazy’ climate and small 2024 harvest

    Chablis wineries see ‘crazy’ climate and small 2024 harvest

    Heavy rain, fierce hail­storms and bouts of frost have com­bined to shrink yields for…

    The Trump tariffs are coming for wine. American restaurants could die

    The Trump tariffs are coming for wine. American restaurants could die

    Fin­er din­ing restau­rants make their mon­ey on the wine and alco­hol they sell, not on…

    Why Some Sustainability-Minded Wineries Are Turning to Propane

    Why Some Sustainability-Minded Wineries Are Turning to Propane

    Envi­ron­men­tal­ly-con­scious com­pa­nies around the globe are con­stant­ly look­ing for…

    The Only Thanksgiving Wine Pairing Advice You Will Ever Need

      The Only Thanksgiving Wine Pairing Advice You Will Ever Need

      Any moment now, reg­u­lar as clock­work, your inbox will be filled with updates from…

      Channeling Your Election Action Into Wine Industry Action

      Channeling Your Election Action Into Wine Industry Action

      Har­ness your pas­sion and direct it at a small­er com­mu­ni­ty: Wine

      Areas of strength amid wine consumption shrinkage in the US

      Areas of strength amid wine consumption shrinkage in the US

      Over­all fig­ures are down, but Kath­leen Will­cox has uncov­ered some glim­mers of…

      Hurdle removed for grapegrowers exporting to Victoria and NSW

        Hurdle removed for grapegrowers exporting to Victoria and NSW

        The reg­u­la­to­ry bur­den has been eased for grow­ers who export wine­grapes into…

        Trump victory puts wine tariffs back in spotlight

        Trump victory puts wine tariffs back in spotlight

        Don­ald Trump’s vic­to­ry in the US pres­i­den­tial race has height­ened spec­u­la­tion…

        Drinks firms brace as Trump elected US president

        Drinks firms brace as Trump elected US president

        As news breaks that Don­ald Trump will be mov­ing into the White House in Jan­u­ary,…

        Autumn Budget a ‘kick in the teeth’ for wine and spirits

        Autumn Budget a ‘kick in the teeth’ for wine and spirits

        The Autumn Bud­get offered a mixed pic­ture for the drinks indus­try, with the…

        Autumn Budget: British government increases tax on wine and spirits

        Autumn Budget: British government increases tax on wine and spirits

        The British gov­ern­ment has announced that it will increase tax on wine and spir­its in…

        The frost was worse than the rain for wine producers in Austria in 2024

        The frost was worse than the rain for wine producers in Austria in 2024

        We recent­ly got back from Aus­tria and of course we were won­der­ing how the vine­yards…

        Reduced wine harvest volume in France 2024 after an unequal battle against the forces of nature

        Reduced wine harvest volume in France 2024 after an unequal battle against the forces of nature

        In France, the har­vest and fer­men­ta­tion are in full swing. In many (most) places the…

        Can the U.S. Alcohol Industry Withstand the Return of Tariffs?

        Can the U.S. Alcohol Industry Withstand the Return of Tariffs?

        With both pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nees express­ing sup­port for tar­iffs, the alco­hol…

        Looking for a Wine to Bring to Dinner? Don’t Show Up Without One of These Bottles

        Looking for a Wine to Bring to Dinner? Don’t Show Up Without One of These Bottles

        Lis­ten to your moth­er when she tells you: don’t show up to a din­ner…

        Shipments to mainland China boost Australian wine export volume and value to 3-year highs

          Shipments to mainland China boost Australian wine export volume and value to 3-year highs

          In the 12 months end­ed Sep­tem­ber 2024, Aus­tralian wine exports increased by 34 per…

          Assessing frost damage to grapevines through satellite mapping

            Assessing frost damage to grapevines through satellite mapping

            The South Aus­tralian Gov­ern­ment is assist­ing grape­grow­ers with future plan­ning and…

            There’s a New Bill to End the USPS Ban on Shipping Alcohol. Here’s What it Could Mean.

            There’s a New Bill to End the USPS Ban on Shipping Alcohol. Here’s What it Could Mean.

            For Unit­ed States Postal Ser­vice (USPS) home deliv­ery, a six-pack of Syrah is as…

            ‘Wine is hurting’: the decline of sales in the US continues

            ‘Wine is hurting’: the decline of sales in the US continues

            Despite sto­ries of US wine sales buck­ing the trend of glob­al decline, new data from…

            Consultation is key to cracking new Employment Rights Bill

            Consultation is key to cracking new Employment Rights Bill

            Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour gov­ern­ment has unveiled the most sig­nif­i­cant reforms to…

            France slashes wine production estimate following poor weather

            France slashes wine production estimate following poor weather

            France has cut its fore­cast for this year’s wine har­vest by 4.6% after heavy rain,…

            What’s working? Treasury Wine Estates highlights sustainability progress

              What’s working? Treasury Wine Estates highlights sustainability progress

              Trea­sury Wine Estates (TWE) launched its 2024 Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Report on Fri­day,…

              Federal Court Rules Discriminatory Wine Distribution Law Unconstitutional

              Federal Court Rules Discriminatory Wine Distribution Law Unconstitutional

              Sim­i­lar fed­er­al law­suits chal­leng­ing dis­crim­i­na­to­ry self-dis­tri­b­u­tion…

              Wine trade braces for impact as Budget looms

              Wine trade braces for impact as Budget looms

              On 30 Octo­ber UK Chan­cel­lor Rachel Reeves will announce her debut Bud­get, and there…

              UK wine retailers warn public about ‘inevitable’ price hikes

              UK wine retailers warn public about ‘inevitable’ price hikes

              Wine retail­ers across the UK are warn­ing con­sumers that they will be ​“pow­er­less to…

              Industry leaders set to gather for Sustainability in Drinks

              Industry leaders set to gather for Sustainability in Drinks

              The inau­gur­al Sus­tain­abil­i­ty in Drinks event brings key glob­al play­ers to the…

              New rules on organic wine in US may ‘harm’ industry

              New rules on organic wine in US may ‘harm’ industry

              New cer­ti­fi­ca­tion rules on organ­ic wine sold in the US that have recent­ly come into…

              Burgundy faces tough vintage, after a challenging growing season

              Burgundy faces tough vintage, after a challenging growing season

              Bur­gundy is fac­ing one of its tough­est vin­tages in decades, fol­low­ing a year…

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