Scholarship recipient began wine career as a backpacker

    Scholarship recipient began wine career as a backpacker

    Patrick Gilhooly, direc­tor of This­tle­down Wines, has been award­ed the Wayne Thomas Schol­ar­ship for 2024.

    Viticulture programme to turn vineyard productivity into profitability

      Viticulture programme to turn vineyard productivity into profitability

      Vine­yard prof­itabil­i­ty is key to ensur­ing a thriv­ing wine indus­try. As costs…

      Crafting change: A celebration of Italian women in wine & spirits

        Crafting change: A celebration of Italian women in wine & spirits

        The wine and spir­its indus­try is evolv­ing, with women at the fore­front as lead­ers…

        Beyond Tradition: How Chablis’ Young Winemakers are Crafting a Modern Legacy

        Beyond Tradition: How Chablis’ Young Winemakers are Crafting a Modern Legacy

        Meet the wine­mak­ers blend­ing inno­va­tion and her­itage to keep Chablis dynam­ic and…

        Historic first step towards a National Vineyard Register

          Historic first step towards a National Vineyard Register

          A Nation­al Vine­yard Reg­is­ter for Australia’s grape and wine sec­tor is one step…

          Tasmania to invest $1.5 million in wine sector

            Tasmania to invest $1.5 million in wine sector

            A $1.5 mil­lion invest­ment to sup­port the wine sec­tor in Tas­ma­nia was announced in…

            The economy for Champagne in Australia

            The economy for Champagne in Australia

            Cham­pagne sales may have declined in the once-boom­ing Aus­tralian mar­ket, but there’s…

            EU: Invest in the Future, Not in Downsizing

              EU: Invest in the Future, Not in Downsizing

              The Euro­pean Com­mit­tee of Wine Com­pa­nies (CEEV) is call­ing for an EU pol­i­cy that…

              EU wine label law update will cause “disruption of the wine market”, says trade group

              EU wine label law update will cause “disruption of the wine market”, says trade group

              With the wine labelling law com­ing into play next week, the CEEV has called for an…

              Half of heavier drinkers say calorie labels on alcohol would lead to a change in their drinking habits

                Half of heavier drinkers say calorie labels on alcohol would lead to a change in their drinking…

                Just over half of heav­ier drinkers in Eng­land say they would make changes to their…

                Devil’s Advocate: 8% ‘Mid-Strength’ Wine. A Trend to Watch

                Devil’s Advocate: 8% ‘Mid-Strength’ Wine. A Trend to Watch

                Robert Joseph notes that some of the world’s best known brands are now pro­duc­ing wines…

                The Campaign to Remove Wine from Your Dinner Table

                The Campaign to Remove Wine from Your Dinner Table

                Why is a pan­el of sub­stance-abuse experts from an agency focused on pre­vent­ing…

                France proposes €120m plan to uproot vines

                France proposes €120m plan to uproot vines

                The French gov­ern­ment has pro­posed a new €120m (£100m) scheme that could…

                New ownership for the International Wine Challenge

                  New ownership for the International Wine Challenge

                  After 19 years in the William Reed sta­ble, the baton for the Inter­na­tion­al Wine…

                  Grapevine scale biology and monitoring in Australian vineyards

                    Grapevine scale biology and monitoring in Australian vineyards

                    A Vine­health Aus­tralia project will sur­vey the pop­u­la­tions of scale insects across…

                    Grape and grains united in call for best practice herbicide use

                      Grape and grains united in call for best practice herbicide use

                      Aus­tralian grape­grow­ers are on high alert this spring as warmer con­di­tions are…

                      Winegrape purchasing code of conduct to be reviewed by Federal Senate inquiry

                        Winegrape purchasing code of conduct to be reviewed by Federal Senate inquiry

                        The Sen­ate Rur­al and Region­al Affairs and Trans­port Ref­er­ences Com­mit­tee…

                        Spain announces five year plan to combat climate change

                        Spain announces five year plan to combat climate change

                        This week, the Fed­eración Españo­la del Vino (FEV) revealed that it has for­mu­lat­ed…

                        Wine tourism with a green focus

                          Wine tourism with a green focus

                          A wine tourism con­fer­ence in Por­tu­gal this Octo­ber will pro­mote inno­va­tion and…

                          Wineries and breweries to boost liquid yeast sector

                          Wineries and breweries to boost liquid yeast sector

                          Liq­uid yeast, used by many brew­eries and winer­ies, is fore­cast to grow glob­al­ly by…

                          Research should help South African winegrowers become financially sustainable

                          Research should help South African winegrowers become financially sustainable

                          South Africa has two world-renowned wine research insti­tutes, the Uni­ver­si­ty of…

                          Second Thoughts on Sustainability?

                          Second Thoughts on Sustainability?

                          Wine Economics 101: the Three Vs of Wine

                          Wine Economics 101: the Three Vs of Wine

                          The American Winemaker’s Guide to Exporting Wines

                          The American Winemaker’s Guide to Exporting Wines

                          As wine sales decline in the domes­tic mar­ket, some U.S. wine­mak­ers are look­ing for…

                          Doña Paula: Iconic wines from the finest Gualtallary terroirs

                          Doña Paula: Iconic wines from the finest Gualtallary terroirs

                          Lead­ing Argen­tin­ian win­ery Doña Paula show­cas­es its prized Gual­tal­lary vine­yards…

                          This year’s harvest, 2024, has started in France after a rainy and dry season (depending on the wine region)
                          Which countries irrigates their vineyards the most in the world?
                          A Wine Expert's Guide to Napa Valley

                          A Wine Expert's Guide to Napa Valley

                          For more than two decades, Trav­el + Leisure wine expert Ray Isle has been vis­it­ing…

                          Quinta de Chocapalha the Charm of Lisbon's Wine Region

                          Quinta de Chocapalha the Charm of Lisbon's Wine Region

                          The wines of the Lis­bon region have often been over­shad­owed by more pop­u­lar…

                          Comment: how wine brands targeting India can improve their aim

                          Comment: how wine brands targeting India can improve their aim

                          India pos­es unique chal­lenges for inter­na­tion­al wine brands, many of which have…

                          New World Laissez-Faire Winemaking Is Changing Old World Wine

                          New World Laissez-Faire Winemaking Is Changing Old World Wine

                          Turns out Free­dom is exact­ly what’s called for in the wine world

                          English & Welsh still wines: Panel tasting results

                          English & Welsh still wines: Panel tasting results

                          A great oppor­tu­ni­ty to review the action across the Eng­lish and Welsh wine sec­tor,…

                          The market and weather forces control the harvest in Champagne; weak sales = yields are lowered

                          The market and weather forces control the harvest in Champagne; weak sales = yields are lowered

                          In Cham­pagne, the per­mit­ted har­vest for 2024 has now been deter­mined. It is…

                          Busting myths around Californian Chardonnay

                          Busting myths around Californian Chardonnay

                          Chardon­nay from Cal­i­for­nia has a whole lot more to offer – and always has – than…

                          Independent analysis to examine potential market failure in grape and wine sector

                            Independent analysis to examine potential market failure in grape and wine sector

                            Dr Craig Emer­son has been appoint­ed to lead an inde­pen­dent impact analy­sis of the…

                            Co-funded sustainability project to encourage SWA adoption in WA

                              Co-funded sustainability project to encourage SWA adoption in WA

                              Through a co-fund­ing part­ner­ship with Wine Aus­tralia, Wines of West­ern…

                              Brown-Forman drops diversity and inclusion programmes, leaves LGBTQ equity index // Wine grape smoke task force launches website
                              Wine as a Diplomatic Tool in Ukraine's War with Russia

                              Wine as a Diplomatic Tool in Ukraine's War with Russia

                              The mean­ing of Ukraine adopt­ing EU-style wine regulations

                              A preview of the Napa 2021 Vintage Report: Only on Decanter Premium

                              A preview of the Napa 2021 Vintage Report: Only on Decanter Premium

                              Since the spring, Decanter’s Napa cor­re­spon­dent, Jonathan Cristal­di, has been…

                              Five new Masters of Wine announced today

                              Five new Masters of Wine announced today

                              Five mem­bers of the wine trade from the US, the UK, Nor­way, Sin­ga­pore and Main­land…

                              Is Napa Green Just Greenwashing? // Federal Campaign Contributions and the Alcohol industry in 2024
                              Halliday Wine Companion Awards winners announced for 2025

                                Halliday Wine Companion Awards winners announced for 2025

                                Hal­l­i­day Wine Com­pan­ion has announced its Award win­ners for the year, recog­nis­ing…

                                How Wine Reps Can Land New Restaurant and Retail Accounts

                                How Wine Reps Can Land New Restaurant and Retail Accounts

                                Tips and tricks from wine sales reps on con­nect­ing with new buy­ers, from lever­ag­ing…

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