Coming out party for The Crush’s Rennie Estate and 2027 Cellars wine

Coming out party for The Crush’s Rennie Estate and 2027 Cellars wine

The first few per­fect rows of Caber­net Sauvi­gnon, plant­ed on a rare west-fac­ing shelf at Ren­nie Estate’s Heron Pond Vine­yard, is reserved for the crème de la crème.

Blue Mountain releases premium wines from 2022

Blue Mountain releases premium wines from 2022

Dur­ing a recent trip to the Okana­gan, I drove past the pic­turesque Blue…

The League of Farmers has a home of their own, plus our picks from LCBO releases

The League of Farmers has a home of their own, plus our picks from LCBO releases

With a group clink­ing of glass­es to wel­come the grape har­vest in Nia­gara, the…

Agriculture industry proud of positive changes to its TFW programs

    Agriculture industry proud of positive changes to its TFW programs

    There have been many gov­ern­ment announce­ments late­ly regard­ing changes to the…

    River Stone is counting on its strong red wines

    River Stone is counting on its strong red wines

    There is good news and bad news at Riv­er Stone Estate Win­ery in Oliv­er. The good news…

    The revival of The Grange of Prince Edward

    The revival of The Grange of Prince Edward

    Win­ery Pres­i­dent and CEO Michael Leskovec shares the jour­ney of revi­tal­iz­ing one…

    Niagara bubbles best in the Americas, plus LCBO picks, B.C.’s River Stone reviews

    Niagara bubbles best in the Americas, plus LCBO picks, B.C.’s River Stone reviews

    Three Nia­gara sparkling wines best­ed all the oth­ers in a blind tast­ing of 131…

    Mission Hill releases 2020 Oculus

    Mission Hill releases 2020 Oculus

    John Simes, the leg­endary wine­mak­er at Mis­sion Hill Fam­i­ly Estate, retired in 2015…

    A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 942: River Stone Wines and an Anniversary Dinner
    Best LCBO Wine Reviews: Vintages Ratings September 21, 2024
    The Rise of Southwestern Ontario Wines with Martin Janz, Winemaker at Pelee Island Winery
    How British Columbia Wineries Are Recovering and Why You Should Visit Them

    How British Columbia Wineries Are Recovering and Why You Should Visit Them

    This year, British Columbia’s wine coun­try faced a dev­as­tat­ing frost that…

    Triggs Lecture Series growing vineyard resiliency across Canada
    Why Ontario and Canadian Wines Deserve Your Attention and Taste Buds
    As harvest begins another huge grape surplus looms in Niagara

    As harvest begins another huge grape surplus looms in Niagara

    With har­vest under­way in Nia­gara, there’s a more con­cern­ing issue on the minds…

    A tasty wine journey to Ottawa’s KIN Vineyards and the County’s Last House

    A tasty wine journey to Ottawa’s KIN Vineyards and the County’s Last House

    It just isn’t easy mak­ing wine on the mar­gins in Ontario but when wine­mak­ers get it…

    Sustainability: How green is your wine?

    Sustainability: How green is your wine?

    As we pre­pare to intro­duce a new, reg­u­lar Decanter col­umn on mak­ing eth­i­cal…

    Where wine meets cider, the bucolic world of Stoss Lee and Stock and Row

    Where wine meets cider, the bucolic world of Stoss Lee and Stock and Row

    It has been said that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and maybe that is true…

    Best LCBO Wine Reviews: Vintages Ratings August 24, 2024
    Fort Berens partners with Washington winery

    Fort Berens partners with Washington winery

    It is not sur­pris­ing to learn that the Lil­looet viti­cul­tur­al sub-appel­la­tion did…

    A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 936: Big Head’s Amazing Wines and My Choral Debut

    A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 936: Big Head’s Amazing Wines and My Choral Debut

    Andrzej Lip­in­s­ki of Big Head invit­ed me to the win­ery to see his new tast­ing room,…

    Château des Charmes winemaker welcomes next chapter at historic winery

    Château des Charmes winemaker welcomes next chapter at historic winery

    As one chap­ter clos­es on the his­toric Château des Charmes win­ery in Nia­gara,…

    On the Road With Township 7 and Narrative Wines

      On the Road With Township 7 and Narrative Wines

      It’s time for a short vaca­tion to vis­it my fam­i­ly in Alber­ta. I decid­ed…

      Chardonnay shines at 13th Street Winery’s seafood and wine pairing lunch

      Chardonnay shines at 13th Street Winery’s seafood and wine pairing lunch

      Who says chardon­nay is a head-scratch­er of a wine to pair with food? Pre­pare…

      Winemaker Q&A: Kalem Magny on Vancouver Island’s 40 Knots

      Winemaker Q&A: Kalem Magny on Vancouver Island’s 40 Knots

      Cana­da has wine regions that lit­er­al­ly span coast to coast, and while the Okana­gan…

      LCBO Find: Noema Eruption Xinomavro Rose 2022

      LCBO Find: Noema Eruption Xinomavro Rose 2022

      I am that wine drinker who pro­motes a good rosé wine all year round and tru­ly does…

      AIDV Webinar – Importing Grapes/Juice

      AIDV Webinar – Importing Grapes/Juice

      In mid-Sep­tem­ber, AIDV Cana­da will be hold­ing a webi­nar that focus­es on the…

      4 Wines for Your Bored Taste Buds: Uncork the Unexpected

      4 Wines for Your Bored Taste Buds: Uncork the Unexpected

      Are you stuck in a wine rut, buy­ing the same bot­tle over and over? Well, it’s time…

      Township 7 is thankful for its sparkling wine portfolio

      Township 7 is thankful for its sparkling wine portfolio

      After wine­mak­er Mary McDer­mott joined Town­ship 7 Vine­yards & Win­ery…

      Cloudsley’s stunning ‘happy accident’ Pinot Noir, plus new wines reviewed

      Cloudsley’s stunning ‘happy accident’ Pinot Noir, plus new wines reviewed

      I had resist­ed the temp­ta­tion to open that Pinot Noir that stared back at me in our…

      What is a Virtual Winery

      What is a Virtual Winery

      In the world of wine, a grow­ing trend is rev­o­lu­tion­iz­ing the tra­di­tion­al…

      Hester Creek has a good inventory of wine - and a strategy to get through the 2024 vintage

      Hester Creek has a good inventory of wine - and a strategy to get through the 2024 vintage

      Like near­ly all Okana­gan winer­ies, Hes­ter Creek Estate Win­ery will be mak­ing wines…

      Kirby, On Seven play a big role in the Ontario Chardonnay crusade

      Kirby, On Seven play a big role in the Ontario Chardonnay crusade

      Stay­ing on the Chardon­nay band­wag­on, there’s a new wave of pro­duc­ers who have…

      Glorious Ontario Wines and the Stubborn, Pathological Optimists Who Make Them with Matthew Gaughan

      Glorious Ontario Wines and the Stubborn, Pathological Optimists Who Make Them with Matthew Gaughan

      Why do Ontario wine­mak­ers need to be excep­tion­al­ly unrea­son­able, stub­born, and…

      Spotlight on Westcott Vineyards at the forefront of the Chardonnay evolution

      Spotlight on Westcott Vineyards at the forefront of the Chardonnay evolution

      There’s no ques­tion Ontario makes world-class Chardon­nay, but just how far can the top…

      R&R on the BC Day Long Weekend with Okanagan Crush Pad

        R&R on the BC Day Long Weekend with Okanagan Crush Pad

        We all deserve R&R on a long week­end. On BC Day, my R&R was a bot­tle…

        2021 Cecchi Storia Di Famiglia Chianti Classico

        2021 Cecchi Storia Di Famiglia Chianti Classico

        “Back in the day” Billy’s best bot­tles use to go through the gen­er­al list at the LCBO…

        i4C 2024: Summer’s coolest event celebrates the diversity of chardonnay

        i4C 2024: Summer’s coolest event celebrates the diversity of chardonnay

        A sum­ma­ry of key events from this year’s Inter­na­tion­al Cool Cli­mate Chardon­nay…

        CAPS Ontario announces ‘Best Ontario Sommelier Competition 2024’ with call-for-entries

          CAPS Ontario announces ‘Best Ontario Sommelier Competition 2024’ with call-for-entries

          A cel­e­bra­tion of excel­lence in wine and hos­pi­tal­i­ty, #BOSC2024 kicks off…

          LCBO Find: Bailly Lapierre Réserve Brut Crémant de Bourgogne

          LCBO Find: Bailly Lapierre Réserve Brut Crémant de Bourgogne

          There is noth­ing more tit­il­lat­ing than adult break­fast bev­er­ages, things like…

          Hillside is optimist about Naramata vineyards bouncing back

          Hillside is optimist about Naramata vineyards bouncing back

          The lat­est releas­es from Hill­side Win­ery & Bistro also includ­ed…

          Quality BC Wines for BC Day

            Quality BC Wines for BC Day

            BC Day is cel­e­brat­ed to hon­our the his­to­ry, cul­ture, and achieve­ments of the…

            Top wineries (and more) to explore in Nova Scotia: A travel guide

            Top wineries (and more) to explore in Nova Scotia: A travel guide

            Alana Lapierre recent­ly vis­it­ed the Annapo­lis Val­ley, Gaspereau Val­ley, and…

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