Responsible Consumption
Light and moderate wine consumption linked to lower risk of cardiovascular complications

    Light and moderate wine consumption linked to lower risk of cardiovascular complications

    Light and mod­er­ate con­sump­tion of wine is asso­ci­at­ed with a low­er risk of car­dio­vas­cu­lar com­pli­ca­tions, accord­ing to a mul­ti­cen­ter study led by researchers from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Barcelona, the Hos­pi­tal Clínic and…

    Lies and Slight of Hand in Europe and Oregon Define Alcohol Debate

    Lies and Slight of Hand in Europe and Oregon Define Alcohol Debate

    Famed health jour­nal spreads lies that will be used in the States in alco­hol debate

    What are the new wine trends to look out for in 2025?

    What are the new wine trends to look out for in 2025?

    Stay­ing abreast of incom­ing wine trends will keep your offer­ing cred­i­ble and in line…

    Encouraging social entrepreneurship and raising awareness about alcohol consumption.

      Encouraging social entrepreneurship and raising awareness about alcohol consumption.

      For the past 3 years, Éduc’alcool has part­nered with the ACEE of Québec to sup­port…

      How wine can help with the ‘brutal reality’ for retired athletes

      How wine can help with the ‘brutal reality’ for retired athletes

      Last night, a host of rug­by icons unit­ed with The Sport­ing Wine Club to sup­port…

      To drink or not to drink? Investigating alcohol’s impact on prostate cancer risk

        To drink or not to drink? Investigating alcohol’s impact on prostate cancer risk

        Prostate can­cer (PCa) is one of the most com­mon­ly diag­nosed can­cers in men…

        J-curve – can also be found with moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages and neurological disorders

          J-curve – can also be found with moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages and neurological…

          Alco­hol use is asso­ci­at­ed with a wide spec­trum of neu­ro­log­i­cal dis­or­ders,…

          Does Red Wine Have Any Real Health Benefits? Here's What Doctors Say

          Does Red Wine Have Any Real Health Benefits? Here's What Doctors Say

          Your favorite alco­holic bev­er­age might be impact­ing your health.

          4 tips for enjoying holiday gatherings while drinking responsibly

          4 tips for enjoying holiday gatherings while drinking responsibly

          Peo­ple may use the fes­tive time around the hol­i­days as a rea­son to con­sume…

          Health-Conscious Wine Lovers Drive Growth in Low-Calorie Options

            Health-Conscious Wine Lovers Drive Growth in Low-Calorie Options

            Wine­mak­ers are increas­ing­ly focus­ing on pro­duc­ing wines with low­er alco­hol…

            Anti-Alcohol Nonsense Part 2: Don’t Listen to Biased Sources

            Anti-Alcohol Nonsense Part 2: Don’t Listen to Biased Sources

            There con­tin­ues to be a great deal of media cov­er­age of anti-alco­hol advo­cates…

            What the Headlines Get Wrong About Alcohol and Health

            What the Headlines Get Wrong About Alcohol and Health

            As we await the release of the revised U.S. dietary guide­lines, vint­ner and med­ical…

            André Robitaille, Ambassador of Éduc’alcool: A Reflection on Responsible Drinking

              André Robitaille, Ambassador of Éduc’alcool: A Reflection on Responsible Drinking

              Éduc’alcool marks 35 years of pro­mot­ing respon­si­ble drink­ing with the addi­tion…

              Parenthood: A New Perspective on Alcohol Consumption

                Parenthood: A New Perspective on Alcohol Consumption

                Par­ent­hood: A New Per­spec­tive on Alco­hol Consumption

                Interview with André Robitaille

                  Interview with André Robitaille

                  “Why Do I Drink?” A Reflection by Éduc’alcool

                    “Why Do I Drink?” A Reflection by Éduc’alcool

                    This fall, Éduc’alcool is invit­ing Que­be­cers to take a per­son­al look at the…

                    The Surprising Health Benefits of Wine with Tony Edwards, Author of The Very Good News About Wine

                    Have the health risks of mod­er­ate wine con­sump­tion been gross­ly over­stat­ed? How…

                    Dr. Estruch reiterates the validity of the J-Curve

                      Dr. Estruch reiterates the validity of the J-Curve

                      Sci­en­tif­ic stud­ies val­i­date the exis­tence of the so-called ​“J‑Curve,” which…

                      Scientific highlights from the OIV congress 2024 in Dijon (Commission IV: Health and Safety)
                      The Lowdown on Low-Alcohol: Why Wine’s Going Lite

                      The Lowdown on Low-Alcohol: Why Wine’s Going Lite

                      From week­day sip­ping to well­ness trends, low-alco­hol wines are lead­ing a new…

                      Why it’s time to start defending wine

                      Why it’s time to start defending wine

                      With anti-alco­hol rhetoric on the rise, it’s time for the drinks trade to start…

                      3 Reasons to Ignore Anti-Alcohol Nonsense: #1 – Only Pay Attention to Good Science

                      3 Reasons to Ignore Anti-Alcohol Nonsense: #1 – Only Pay Attention to Good Science

                      There con­tin­ues to be a great deal of media cov­er­age of anti-alco­hol advo­cates…

                      Becoming an Authority on the Question of Whether Wine is Safe To Consume

                      Becoming an Authority on the Question of Whether Wine is Safe To Consume

                      Required lis­ten­ing and read­ing on the top­ic of whether wine is safe to drink

                      Why Wine Drinkers Should Care About Come Over October

                        Why Wine Drinkers Should Care About Come Over October

                        You would be for­giv­en, how­ev­er much you love wine, for not fol­low­ing the…

                        Alcohol consumers less supportive of calorie labelling, UCL study finds

                        Alcohol consumers less supportive of calorie labelling, UCL study finds

                        A new study has shed light on how manda­to­ry calo­rie labelling on alco­holic…

                        Is Any Amount of Red Wine Good for You?

                        Is Any Amount of Red Wine Good for You?

                        Research has been con­flict­ed about whether any amount of any kind of alco­hol can…

                        Wine Can Help Solve the Loneliness Epidemic - Being a part of the solution and part of Come Over October

                        Wine Can Help Solve the Loneliness Epidemic - Being a part of the solution and part of Come Over…

                        I’ve writ­ten in the past about the Lone­li­ness Epi­dem­ic. I’ve writ­ten about this…

                        Research opportunity – FIVIN announces the second edition of the “wine, nutrition and health” research grants

                          Research opportunity – FIVIN announces the second edition of the “wine, nutrition and health”…

                          The Foun­da­tion for Wine and Nutri­tion Research – FIVIN – announces the sec­ond…

                          Americans Deserve Alcohol Guidelines Driven by Science

                          Americans Deserve Alcohol Guidelines Driven by Science

                          The Dietary Guide­lines for Amer­i­cans (DGAs) have long served as a road map for…

                          Proposing the Most Draconian Assault On Wine in Decades
                          Blue Zone Research: Sorry, Wine May Not Help You to Live to 100 After All

                            Blue Zone Research: Sorry, Wine May Not Help You to Live to 100 After All

                            A new study debunks the wine-friend­ly Blue Zones sto­ry. Felic­i­ty Carter reports.

                            Does a threshold in the consumption of alcoholic beverages exist to minimise risk?

                              Does a threshold in the consumption of alcoholic beverages exist to minimise risk?

                              The cur­rent study used data from the UK Biobank to car­ry out a prospec­tive…

                              Is Tasting 3,000 Wines a Year Hazardous to Your Health?

                              Is Tasting 3,000 Wines a Year Hazardous to Your Health?

                              I taste wines for a liv­ing — around 3,000 a year, in fact. While my mom…

                              Reducing Drinking from Heavy to Moderate Can Improve Heart Health
                              Moderate wine consumption may reduce the risk of some cancers

                                Moderate wine consumption may reduce the risk of some cancers

                                HEALTH The case for moderate wine consumption
                                Wine Industry Fires Back Against the WHO's 'Zero Safety'
                                Wine’s worst enemy: Carter combats ‘no safe limit’ claims
                                The temperance Time Machine

                                The temperance Time Machine

                                Minimum Pricing Copium

                                Minimum Pricing Copium

                                Is a Glass of Wine Harmless? Wrong Question.
                                Is That Drink Worth It to You?

                                Is That Drink Worth It to You?

                                Drinking wine with meals linked to better health outcomes

                                Drinking wine with meals linked to better health outcomes

                                A recent study explor­ing links between alco­hol con­sump­tion and health risks in old­er…

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