Responsible Consumption
Americans Deserve Alcohol Guidelines Driven by Science

Americans Deserve Alcohol Guidelines Driven by Science

The Dietary Guide­lines for Amer­i­cans (DGAs) have long served as a road map for dieti­tians and nutri­tion­ists to pro­mote pos­i­tive nutri­tion and pub­lic health out­comes in the U.S. As a nutri­tion­ist with over three decades of…

Proposing the Most Draconian Assault On Wine in Decades
Blue Zone Research: Sorry, Wine May Not Help You to Live to 100 After All

    Blue Zone Research: Sorry, Wine May Not Help You to Live to 100 After All

    A new study debunks the wine-friend­ly Blue Zones sto­ry. Felic­i­ty Carter reports.

    Does a threshold in the consumption of alcoholic beverages exist to minimise risk?

      Does a threshold in the consumption of alcoholic beverages exist to minimise risk?

      The cur­rent study used data from the UK Biobank to car­ry out a prospec­tive…

      Is Tasting 3,000 Wines a Year Hazardous to Your Health?

      Is Tasting 3,000 Wines a Year Hazardous to Your Health?

      I taste wines for a liv­ing — around 3,000 a year, in fact. While my mom…

      HEALTH The case for moderate wine consumption
      Wine Industry Fires Back Against the WHO's 'Zero Safety'
      Wine’s worst enemy: Carter combats ‘no safe limit’ claims
      The temperance Time Machine

      The temperance Time Machine

      Minimum Pricing Copium

      Minimum Pricing Copium

      Is a Glass of Wine Harmless? Wrong Question.
      Is That Drink Worth It to You?

      Is That Drink Worth It to You?

      Drinking wine with meals linked to better health outcomes

      Drinking wine with meals linked to better health outcomes

      A recent study explor­ing links between alco­hol con­sump­tion and health risks in old­er…

      Authoritarian Karens and the Fight-Back by Wine

      Authoritarian Karens and the Fight-Back by Wine

      Felic­i­ty Carter’s new Health+Wine Pod­cast and her report­ing is the tip of the…

      Wine’s worst enemy: Carter combats ‘no safe limit’ claims
      Can alcohol ever be healthy? Here are four options from nutritionists

      Can alcohol ever be healthy? Here are four options from nutritionists

      It might feel like it’s all bad, but there are ways to make bet­ter choic­es when drinking

      Sensationalism and misinterpretation: How scientific papers are often misreported
      Drinking Wine Does Not Raise Risk of Cancer or Death in Healthy Older Adults

      Drinking Wine Does Not Raise Risk of Cancer or Death in Healthy Older Adults

      A new study says that even min­i­mal drink­ing rais­es the risk of dying, but only in…

      Don't Believe the Hype – Wine Can be Healthy

      Don't Believe the Hype – Wine Can be Healthy

      A new study has good news for mod­er­ate wine drinkers, but why are the media…

      Risks of binge drinking one might not be aware of

      Risks of binge drinking one might not be aware of

      Drink­ing too much affects your health

      Digital intervention shows promise for moderating alcohol consumption
      GBD study finds reduced heart disease risk with moderate drinking and confirms J-curve
      Health Benefits of Red Wine

      Does a Daily Glass of Wine Cause Harm? Analyst Says No

        Does a Daily Glass of Wine Cause Harm? Analyst Says No

        Cam­bridge Sta­tis­ti­cian Slams ​“Unnec­es­sary Obses­sion” with Alco­hol Risks

        Racing heart after drinking? Expert reveals the type of alcohol that's the worst for anxiety
        Is drinking wine good for your heart health?
        Lawmakers cast doubt on expert panel studying alcohol for 2025 dietary guidelines
        ‘No good evidence’ of risk from low-level alcohol consumption

        ‘No good evidence’ of risk from low-level alcohol consumption

        A sta­tis­ti­cian who became world-famous for his crunch­ing of Covid data has hit out at…

        The Campaign to Remove Wine from your Dinner Table

        The Campaign to Remove Wine from your Dinner Table

        Why is a pan­el of sub­stance-abuse experts from an agency focused on pre­vent­ing…

        The no- and low-alcohol conundrum
        Has the WHO lost its way regarding alcohol?
        Wine and Health: Challenging the 'No Safe Level' Claims

          Wine and Health: Challenging the 'No Safe Level' Claims

          Drunk­en rats, polyphe­nols and the ques­tion of safe drink­ing lim­its — Felic­i­ty…

          How Neo-Prohibitionists Came to Shape Alcohol Policy

          How Neo-Prohibitionists Came to Shape Alcohol Policy

          Who are the peo­ple behind the new anti-alco­hol mes­sag­ing from the World Health…

          Drinking Wine Does Not Raise Risk of Cancer or Death in Healthy Older Adults // Treasury Wine Estates reports 8% rise in profit
          New research explores alcohol’s impact on the heart

            New research explores alcohol’s impact on the heart

            Amer­i­can Heart Asso­ci­a­tion Basic Car­dio­vas­cu­lar Sci­ences Sci­en­tif­ic…

            Medical Compass: Does light to moderate drinking protect women’s health?

            Medical Compass: Does light to moderate drinking protect women’s health?

            What is one of the most wide­ly con­sumed over-the-counter drugs? Would it sur­prise you…

            Can red wine be part of the diet of hypertensive individuals?

              Can red wine be part of the diet of hypertensive individuals?

              Hyper­ten­sion is the lead­ing risk fac­tor for all-cause mor­tal­i­ty and…

              Is a Glass of Wine a Day Good for You? We Investigate

              Is a Glass of Wine a Day Good for You? We Investigate

              In 1991, jour­nal­ist Mor­ley Safer filmed a seg­ment for 60 Min­utes at…

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