The wine lover's guide to Niagara, Canada

    The wine lover's guide to Niagara, Canada

    The world’s prime wine-pro­duc­ing regions are locat­ed between the 30th and 50th par­al­lels of lat­i­tude in both hemi­spheres. Sit­u­at­ed at rough­ly the north 43-degree lat­i­tude, the Nia­gara region is locat­ed in the geo­graph­ic cen­tre of…

    Eat And Drink Your Way Through This Underrated Canadian Wine Region

    Eat And Drink Your Way Through This Underrated Canadian Wine Region

    tum­ble into a dis­cus­sion on great Cana­di­an wines and you might assume the…

    Discover the Most Distinctive Wineries in Western Canada

    Discover the Most Distinctive Wineries in Western Canada

    It’s har­vest sea­son in the North Okana­gan, a nation­al trea­sure with a cool…

    A Toast to Canadian Wine  - As Canada Day approaches we celebrate changemakers in the industry

      A Toast to Canadian Wine - As Canada Day approaches we celebrate changemakers in the industry

      Though Cana­da is not nec­es­sar­i­ly asso­ci­at­ed with its wine indus­try, with…

      Wine tourism with a green focus

        Wine tourism with a green focus

        A wine tourism con­fer­ence in Por­tu­gal this Octo­ber will pro­mote inno­va­tion and…

        A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 942: River Stone Wines and an Anniversary Dinner
        How British Columbia Wineries Are Recovering and Why You Should Visit Them

        How British Columbia Wineries Are Recovering and Why You Should Visit Them

        This year, British Columbia’s wine coun­try faced a dev­as­tat­ing frost that…

        Jackson-Triggs winning combo: Wine, food and an outdoor show
        Doña Paula: Iconic wines from the finest Gualtallary terroirs

        Doña Paula: Iconic wines from the finest Gualtallary terroirs

        Lead­ing Argen­tin­ian win­ery Doña Paula show­cas­es its prized Gual­tal­lary vine­yards…

        A tasty wine journey to Ottawa’s KIN Vineyards and the County’s Last House

        A tasty wine journey to Ottawa’s KIN Vineyards and the County’s Last House

        It just isn’t easy mak­ing wine on the mar­gins in Ontario but when wine­mak­ers get it…

        Where wine meets cider, the bucolic world of Stoss Lee and Stock and Row

        Where wine meets cider, the bucolic world of Stoss Lee and Stock and Row

        It has been said that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and maybe that is true…

        Winemaker Q&A: Kalem Magny on Vancouver Island’s 40 Knots

        Winemaker Q&A: Kalem Magny on Vancouver Island’s 40 Knots

        Cana­da has wine regions that lit­er­al­ly span coast to coast, and while the Okana­gan…

        Spotlight on Westcott Vineyards at the forefront of the Chardonnay evolution

        Spotlight on Westcott Vineyards at the forefront of the Chardonnay evolution

        There’s no ques­tion Ontario makes world-class Chardon­nay, but just how far can the top…

        Top wineries (and more) to explore in Nova Scotia: A travel guide

        Top wineries (and more) to explore in Nova Scotia: A travel guide

        Alana Lapierre recent­ly vis­it­ed the Annapo­lis Val­ley, Gaspereau Val­ley, and…

        Is Cowichan Valley Canada’s Next Great Wine Country?

        Is Cowichan Valley Canada’s Next Great Wine Country?

        A two-hour fer­ry across the Sal­ish Sea from the city of Van­cou­ver is the…

        A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 933: A Wine-Filled Week

        A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 933: A Wine-Filled Week

        Sat­ur­day, July 20th: Deb­o­rah and I were invit­ed to Dob­bin Estate for…

        St-Emilion: A wine lover’s guide

        St-Emilion: A wine lover’s guide

        His­toric, pic­turesque and brim­ming with exquis­ite wines, St-Emil­ion is a jew­el…

        Forward 50 Restaurants 2024

          Forward 50 Restaurants 2024

          What feels new and fresh in restau­rants and on wine lists is always in flux. Food…

          Vieni Estates: Ontario’s house of sparkling wine

          Vieni Estates: Ontario’s house of sparkling wine

          “Ontario wine con­sumers should drink Ontario wine; that is my goal,” says Mau­ro…

          From Hobbit Houses to Shepherd Huts: Unique Places to Sleep in English Wine Country

          From Hobbit Houses to Shepherd Huts: Unique Places to Sleep in English Wine Country

          Great Britain’s wine indus­try is boom­ing. One of the fastest wine-grow­ing regions in…

          Wine Enthusiast Companies Launches New Travel Division with the Tasting Room Directory, a Dynamic Resource for Wine Tourism

            Wine Enthusiast Companies Launches New Travel Division with the Tasting Room Directory, a Dynamic…

            Wine Enthu­si­ast Com­pa­nies, a media and com­merce com­pa­ny that stands as the…

            Featured Tasting Rooms in Northern Italy

              Featured Tasting Rooms in Northern Italy

              Plan­ning your next vis­it to North­ern Italy’s wine coun­try? Explore the tast­ing rooms…

              Featured Tasting Rooms in the Southeast

                Featured Tasting Rooms in the Southeast

                Plan­ning your next vis­it to South­east­ern U.S. wine coun­try? Explore the tast­ing…

                Featured Tasting Rooms in Spain

                  Featured Tasting Rooms in Spain

                  Plan­ning your next vis­it to Spain’s wine coun­try? Explore the tast­ing rooms at our…

                  Featured Tasting Rooms in Greater California

                    Featured Tasting Rooms in Greater California

                    Plan­ning your next vis­it to greater Cal­i­for­nia wine coun­try? Explore the tast­ing…

                    Featured Tasting Rooms in South America

                      Featured Tasting Rooms in South America

                      Head­ing to South America’s wine coun­try? Explore the tast­ing rooms at our fea­tured…

                      One last grand wine tasting as a new chapter begins at Featherstone winery

                      One last grand wine tasting as a new chapter begins at Featherstone winery

                      After 25 years of suc­cess, the Feath­er­stone Estate Win­ery on Niagara’s Twen­ty…

                      Featured Tasting Rooms in Veneto

                        Featured Tasting Rooms in Veneto

                        Plan­ning your next vis­it to Vene­to wine coun­try? Explore the tast­ing rooms at these…

                        Featured Tasting Rooms in California

                          Featured Tasting Rooms in California

                          Head­ing to Cal­i­for­nia wine coun­try? Explore the tast­ing rooms at these top part­ner…

                          Featured Tasting Rooms in Sonoma

                            Featured Tasting Rooms in Sonoma

                            Head­ing to Sono­ma wine coun­try? Explore the tast­ing rooms at these top part­ner…

                            Featured Tasting Rooms in Napa

                              Featured Tasting Rooms in Napa

                              Head­ing to Napa wine coun­try? Explore the tast­ing rooms at these top part­ner wineries.

                              Featured Tasting Rooms in Paso Robles

                                Featured Tasting Rooms in Paso Robles

                                Head­ing to Paso Rob­les wine coun­try? Explore the tast­ing rooms at these top part­ner…

                                Featured Tasting Rooms in Oregon

                                  Featured Tasting Rooms in Oregon

                                  Head­ing to Ore­gon wine coun­try? Explore the tast­ing rooms at these top part­ner…

                                  Featured Tasting Rooms in Santa Barbara

                                    Featured Tasting Rooms in Santa Barbara

                                    Plan­ning your next vis­it to San­ta Bar­bara wine coun­try? Explore the tast­ing rooms…

                                    Featured Tasting Rooms in Willamette Valley

                                      Featured Tasting Rooms in Willamette Valley

                                      Head­ing to Willamette Val­ley wine coun­try? Explore the tast­ing rooms at these top…

                                      Featured Tasting Rooms in Italy

                                        Featured Tasting Rooms in Italy

                                        Head­ing to Italy wine coun­try? Explore the tast­ing rooms at these top part­ner…

                                        WLC Eats: KOL

                                        WLC Eats: KOL

                                        Dou­glas Blyde heads to KOL where he finds a ​“rus­tic yet refined ambi­ence” with…

                                        Donum Estate’s ‘Hyperspace’ reimagines terroir

                                        Donum Estate’s ‘Hyperspace’ reimagines terroir

                                        Wine­mak­ers deem ​‘ter­roir’ a wine’s ter­ri­to­r­i­al thumbprint, but Sonoma’s…

                                        Entre-deux-Mers: Ten reasons to discover the region

                                        Entre-deux-Mers: Ten reasons to discover the region

                                        Bordeaux’s largest wine region may not have the cachet of its more famous brethren, but…

                                        Temecula Valley Is Elevating the Wine Country Experience—These Are the Top Tasting Rooms to Visit

                                        Temecula Valley Is Elevating the Wine Country Experience—These Are the Top Tasting Rooms to Visit

                                        Sur­round­ed by the more than 20 mil­lion South­ern Cal­i­for­ni­ans who live…

                                        California Wine Regions

                                          California Wine Regions

                                          Think big — Cal­i­for­nia is the num­ber-one wine pro­duc­er in the nation, gen­er­at­ing…

                                          2024 Wind to Wine Festival: Petaluma, Saturday 8/10

                                            2024 Wind to Wine Festival: Petaluma, Saturday 8/10

                                            Petaluma is hot right now. And I’m not talk­ing about this heat dome we’re under. The…

                                            Clos des Lambrays 1923–2023: Lengths and breadths of time and all-time highs

                                            Clos des Lambrays 1923–2023: Lengths and breadths of time and all-time highs

                                            An exhil­a­rat­ing tast­ing of one of Bur­gundy’s most his­toric domaines.

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