Wine Information Council
Different risk of gout depending on the alcoholic beverage consumed?

    Different risk of gout depending on the alcoholic beverage consumed?

    Gout, which devel­ops with increased urate con­cen­tra­tions, is the most com­mon form of inflam­ma­to­ry arthri­tis. The preva­lence of gout is sex spe­cif­ic and varies across glob­al regions, with a male to female ratio rang­ing from 2:1 to…

    Does a threshold in the consumption of alcoholic beverages exist to minimise risk?

      Does a threshold in the consumption of alcoholic beverages exist to minimise risk?

      The cur­rent study used data from the UK Biobank to car­ry out a prospec­tive…

      Healthy lifestyle changes can delay risk of death and longevity
      Interview with Dr. Creina Stockley

        Interview with Dr. Creina Stockley

        Can we believe our own eyes? Lower risk of diabetes for moderate wine drinkers?

        Drinking patterns

          Drinking patterns

          Moderate wine consumption – Drinking Guidelines

            Moderate wine consumption – Drinking Guidelines

            Wine in the context of a balanced diet and lifestyle

              Wine in the context of a balanced diet and lifestyle

              GBD study finds reduced heart disease risk with moderate drinking and confirms J-curve
              Can red wine be part of the diet of hypertensive individuals?

                Can red wine be part of the diet of hypertensive individuals?

                Hyper­ten­sion is the lead­ing risk fac­tor for all-cause mor­tal­i­ty and…

                Gel from whey protein can break down alcohol in the body
                GBD study finds reduced heart disease risk with moderate drinking and confirms J-curve
                Adherence to a Mediterranean lifestyle can be beneficial for non-Mediterranean populations
                Another piece in the puzzle – Moderate wine consumption can decrease inflammation markers

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