Wine Information Council
Mediterranean diet can lower risk of Type 2 diabetes – even in non-Mediterranean population

    Mediterranean diet can lower risk of Type 2 diabetes – even in non-Mediterranean population

    The increas­ing glob­al preva­lence of type 2 dia­betes shows the crit­i­cal impor­tance of effec­tive dietary strate­gies for its pre­ven­tion and man­age­ment. Among var­i­ous dietary pat­terns, the Mediter­ranean diet (Med Diet) has shown…

    To drink or not to drink? Investigating alcohol’s impact on prostate cancer risk

      To drink or not to drink? Investigating alcohol’s impact on prostate cancer risk

      Prostate can­cer (PCa) is one of the most com­mon­ly diag­nosed can­cers in men…

      J-curve – can also be found with moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages and neurological disorders

        J-curve – can also be found with moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages and neurological…

        Alco­hol use is asso­ci­at­ed with a wide spec­trum of neu­ro­log­i­cal dis­or­ders,…

        Dr. Estruch reiterates the validity of the J-Curve

          Dr. Estruch reiterates the validity of the J-Curve

          Sci­en­tif­ic stud­ies val­i­date the exis­tence of the so-called ​“J‑Curve,” which…

          Scientific highlights from the OIV congress 2024 in Dijon (Commission IV: Health and Safety)
          Research opportunity – FIVIN announces the second edition of the “wine, nutrition and health” research grants

            Research opportunity – FIVIN announces the second edition of the “wine, nutrition and health”…

            The Foun­da­tion for Wine and Nutri­tion Research – FIVIN – announces the sec­ond…

            Different risk of gout depending on the alcoholic beverage consumed?

              Different risk of gout depending on the alcoholic beverage consumed?

              Gout, which devel­ops with increased urate con­cen­tra­tions, is the most com­mon form of…

              Does a threshold in the consumption of alcoholic beverages exist to minimise risk?

                Does a threshold in the consumption of alcoholic beverages exist to minimise risk?

                The cur­rent study used data from the UK Biobank to car­ry out a prospec­tive…

                Healthy lifestyle changes can delay risk of death and longevity
                Interview with Dr. Creina Stockley

                  Interview with Dr. Creina Stockley

                  Can we believe our own eyes? Lower risk of diabetes for moderate wine drinkers?
                  Wine consumption in the context of a healthy lifestyle and cancer risk
                  Wine/alcoholic beverages – General health aspects

                    Wine/alcoholic beverages – General health aspects

                    Drinking patterns

                      Drinking patterns

                      Moderate wine consumption – Drinking Guidelines

                        Moderate wine consumption – Drinking Guidelines

                        Wine in the context of a balanced diet and lifestyle

                          Wine in the context of a balanced diet and lifestyle

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