Light and moderate wine consumption linked to lower risk of cardiovascular complications

    Light and moderate wine consumption linked to lower risk of cardiovascular complications

    Light and mod­er­ate con­sump­tion of wine is asso­ci­at­ed with a low­er risk of car­dio­vas­cu­lar com­pli­ca­tions, accord­ing to a mul­ti­cen­ter study led by researchers from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Barcelona, the Hos­pi­tal Clínic and…

    Grape growers hope to curb the flow of foreign juice into Canada

    Grape growers hope to curb the flow of foreign juice into Canada

    A 7,000-tonne sur­plus of grapes in Ontario fol­low­ing the fall har­vest has grow­ers…

    EU wine reforms aim to tackle oversupply and climate change

    EU wine reforms aim to tackle oversupply and climate change

    Fol­low­ing a meet­ing in Brus­sels this week, the EU has unveiled…

    Lies and Slight of Hand in Europe and Oregon Define Alcohol Debate

    Lies and Slight of Hand in Europe and Oregon Define Alcohol Debate

    Famed health jour­nal spreads lies that will be used in the States in alco­hol debate

    Ontario’s Top 20 Wineries of 2024

      Ontario’s Top 20 Wineries of 2024

      Announc­ing the Top 20 Winer­ies of 2024! Stand­outs from diverse regions through­out the…

      All the medallists from the Riesling Masters

      All the medallists from the Riesling Masters

      Ries­ling may some­times be sad­ly under­val­ued by con­sumers, but there’s no doubt­ing…

      Blending, Bending, and Breaking the Rules: The New Wine Frontier

        Blending, Bending, and Breaking the Rules: The New Wine Frontier

        Younger Gen­er­a­tions Rede­fine Wine

        What are the new wine trends to look out for in 2025?

        What are the new wine trends to look out for in 2025?

        Stay­ing abreast of incom­ing wine trends will keep your offer­ing cred­i­ble and in line…

        We Spoke to 3 Women Working in Wine. Is Business Really Down?

        We Spoke to 3 Women Working in Wine. Is Business Really Down?

        There’s actu­al­ly some sur­pris­ing trends, when it comes to con­sumers’ drink­ing…

        The sober curious movement is gaining steam; here's how to take part

        The sober curious movement is gaining steam; here's how to take part

        Tak­ing a break from booze has tons of benefits

        Dementia after 60 Less Likely with Moderate Alcohol Consumption-Report

        Dementia after 60 Less Likely with Moderate Alcohol Consumption-Report

        New research report demon­strates non-drinkers and exces­sive drinkers at much greater…

        For the Alcohol Industry, Trump’s Tariffs Look Even More Chaotic This Time Around

        For the Alcohol Industry, Trump’s Tariffs Look Even More Chaotic This Time Around

        The effects of Pres­i­dent-elect Trump’s pro­posed tar­iffs hinge on the same ques­tion…

        Global wine production falls to lowest level since 1961

        Global wine production falls to lowest level since 1961

        Glob­al wine pro­duc­tion has plum­met­ed to a 63-year low after frost, heavy rains…

        Global wine production hits historic low

        Global wine production hits historic low

        Glob­al wine is set to hit a 60-year low as cli­mate change and eco­nom­ic…

        First They Came For Alcohol...Now They Come for Non-Alcohol

        First They Came For Alcohol...Now They Come for Non-Alcohol

        The anti-alco­hol zealots can’t even abide non-alco­hol if it resem­bles alco­hol…

        US seasonal outlook mixed as industry holds breath on tariffs

        US seasonal outlook mixed as industry holds breath on tariffs

        Will he or won’t he? As a mer­cu­r­ial leader ascends in the U.S., wine pros ral­ly…

        Axing tax on wine a holiday ‘surprise’, plus a tsunami of Niagara wine reviews

        Axing tax on wine a holiday ‘surprise’, plus a tsunami of Niagara wine reviews

        A Christ­mas gift from the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to give wine lovers a 13% tax…

        The local nonalcoholic wine alternative taking Michelin-starred restaurants by storm

        The local nonalcoholic wine alternative taking Michelin-starred restaurants by storm

        Kally, a ver­jus-based wine alter­na­tive, launch­es non­al­co­holic bev­er­age with…

        Innovation and Artisan Options Driving Opportunity in Adult Nonalcoholic Beverages

        Innovation and Artisan Options Driving Opportunity in Adult Nonalcoholic Beverages

        An emer­gence of entre­pre­neurs are redefin­ing adult drinks from high-qual­i­ty mim­ics…

        Health-Conscious Wine Lovers Drive Growth in Low-Calorie Options

          Health-Conscious Wine Lovers Drive Growth in Low-Calorie Options

          Wine­mak­ers are increas­ing­ly focus­ing on pro­duc­ing wines with low­er alco­hol…

          From essential goods to common stocking stuffers, Trudeau offering Canadians temporary tax relief

          From essential goods to common stocking stuffers, Trudeau offering Canadians temporary tax relief

          Cana­di­ans will soon receive a tem­po­rary tax break on essen­tial items,…

          Anti-Alcohol Nonsense Part 2: Don’t Listen to Biased Sources

          Anti-Alcohol Nonsense Part 2: Don’t Listen to Biased Sources

          There con­tin­ues to be a great deal of media cov­er­age of anti-alco­hol advo­cates…

          The hard choices facing B.C. farmers after record crop losses due to 'weather whiplash'

          The hard choices facing B.C. farmers after record crop losses due to 'weather whiplash'

          A sud­den cold snap dec­i­mat­ed B.C. peach and wine grape crops, while eco­nom­ic…

          The Trump tariffs are coming for wine. American restaurants could die

          The Trump tariffs are coming for wine. American restaurants could die

          Fin­er din­ing restau­rants make their mon­ey on the wine and alco­hol they sell, not on…

          VanWineFest 2025 Advance Tickets and Passes on Sale

            VanWineFest 2025 Advance Tickets and Passes on Sale

            Advance tick­ets are now on sale for the Van­cou­ver Inter­na­tion­al Wine Fes­ti­val.…

            What the Headlines Get Wrong About Alcohol and Health

            What the Headlines Get Wrong About Alcohol and Health

            As we await the release of the revised U.S. dietary guide­lines, vint­ner and med­ical…

            Chemical found in red wine used for bowel cancer drug

            Chemical found in red wine used for bowel cancer drug

            UK sci­en­tists are tri­alling a new drug made using a polyphe­nol found in the…

            Trump victory puts wine tariffs back in spotlight

            Trump victory puts wine tariffs back in spotlight

            Don­ald Trump’s vic­to­ry in the US pres­i­den­tial race has height­ened spec­u­la­tion…

            Could climate change favour Chenin Blanc over Chardonnay?

            Could climate change favour Chenin Blanc over Chardonnay?

            Patrick Schmitt MW won­ders whether Chenin Blanc could chal­lenge Chardon­nay – among…

            Women, Wine and Health: The Good News with Tony Edwards

            What might sur­prise you about the impact of alco­hol on heart dis­ease? How can wine…

            Why 2025 ‘will be a telling year in the wine industry’

            Why 2025 ‘will be a telling year in the wine industry’

            Fol­low­ing a chal­leng­ing peri­od for the drinks trade, David Bow­man, chief…

            ‘Exciting’ times in Ontario as Costco sells wine — at better prices than the LCBO

            ‘Exciting’ times in Ontario as Costco sells wine — at better prices than the LCBO

            It was quite the scene at the Stoney Creek Cost­co today as shelves were quick­ly…

            Just desserts: Exploring the world’s finest sweet wines

            Just desserts: Exploring the world’s finest sweet wines

            From bright cit­rus to rich raisin, dis­cov­er wines that add the per­fect start or…

            The Legislative Assembly of Ontario chooses the official VQA wines for 2025

              The Legislative Assembly of Ontario chooses the official VQA wines for 2025

              The Grape Grow­ers of Ontario, along with speak­er of the Leg­is­la­ture and MPP for…

              Grapes for Humanity Charity Wine Auction in Partnership with Waddingtons and Fine Wine Reserve

              Grapes for Humanity Charity Wine Auction in Partnership with Waddingtons and Fine Wine Reserve

              An announce­ment from Marc Rus­sell and the Fine Wine Reserve team: We are thrilled to be…

              Methods to cut carbon in wineries are being underutilised, study finds

              Methods to cut carbon in wineries are being underutilised, study finds

              Sci­en­tists are using the find­ings from a new study, which revealed the…

              Wine Will Come Back Because We Seek The Genuine in Life

              Wine Will Come Back Because We Seek The Genuine in Life

              How a Dry Ries­ling is a har­bin­ger of the rebound for wine

              9 of the World’s Most Influential Indigenous-Owned Wineries

              9 of the World’s Most Influential Indigenous-Owned Wineries

              Aus­tralia is home to 500 Abo­rig­i­nal coun­tries, formed tens of thou­sands of years…

              What Defines A "Healthy" Winery?

              What Defines A "Healthy" Winery?

              A new report lays out exact­ly what such thing look like

              The Lowdown on Low-Alcohol: Why Wine’s Going Lite

              The Lowdown on Low-Alcohol: Why Wine’s Going Lite

              From week­day sip­ping to well­ness trends, low-alco­hol wines are lead­ing a new…

              Why it’s time to start defending wine

              Why it’s time to start defending wine

              With anti-alco­hol rhetoric on the rise, it’s time for the drinks trade to start…

              3 Reasons to Ignore Anti-Alcohol Nonsense: #1 – Only Pay Attention to Good Science

              3 Reasons to Ignore Anti-Alcohol Nonsense: #1 – Only Pay Attention to Good Science

              There con­tin­ues to be a great deal of media cov­er­age of anti-alco­hol advo­cates…

              Announcing the finalists for the 2024 Best Ontario Sommelier Competition

                Announcing the finalists for the 2024 Best Ontario Sommelier Competition

                The top CAPS Ontario #BOSC24 region­al som­me­liers head to final provin­cials Novem­ber…

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