Blue Mountain releases premium wines from 2022

Blue Mountain releases premium wines from 2022

Dur­ing a recent trip to the Okana­gan, I drove past the pic­turesque Blue Moun­tain vine­yard in Okana­gan Falls and was pleased to see a full leafy canopy on the vines. That con­firmed what I was told recent­ly by Christie…

Who wants organic wines today?

Who wants organic wines today?

In France, sales of organ­ic wines are a bit slow now. But there are export mar­kets…

Innovative grape and wine industry research in a cool climate region

    Innovative grape and wine industry research in a cool climate region

    Jim Will­w­erth, Assis­tant Pro­fes­sor and Researcher at the Cool Cli­mate Oenol­o­gy…

    How vineyards closer to the sun are evading climate change

    How vineyards closer to the sun are evading climate change

    High-alti­tude grape farm­ing has moved from fringe inter­est hot top­ic. Kath­leen…

    The League of Farmers has a home of their own, plus our picks from LCBO releases

    The League of Farmers has a home of their own, plus our picks from LCBO releases

    With a group clink­ing of glass­es to wel­come the grape har­vest in Nia­gara, the…

    How to lay the groundwork for making alcohol-free wine

    How to lay the groundwork for making alcohol-free wine

    From vine­yards to vac­u­um dis­til­la­tion, Zeno has learned that every stage of the…

    U-Label: Wine & Spirits sectors launch ground-breaking digital labeling

    U-Label: Wine & Spirits sectors launch ground-breaking digital labeling

    U‑Label, a con­sumer-friend­ly e‑label plat­form that will enable con­sumers across…

    ‘Hundreds of millions’ of wine labels to be destroyed

    ‘Hundreds of millions’ of wine labels to be destroyed

    New Euro­pean Com­mis­sion guide­lines con­cern­ing the labelling of wine bot­tles could…

    Agriculture industry proud of positive changes to its TFW programs

      Agriculture industry proud of positive changes to its TFW programs

      There have been many gov­ern­ment announce­ments late­ly regard­ing changes to the…

      Half of heavier drinkers say calorie labels on alcohol would lead to a change in their drinking habits

        Half of heavier drinkers say calorie labels on alcohol would lead to a change in their drinking…

        Just over half of heav­ier drinkers in Eng­land say they would make changes to their…

        Devil’s Advocate: 8% ‘Mid-Strength’ Wine. A Trend to Watch

        Devil’s Advocate: 8% ‘Mid-Strength’ Wine. A Trend to Watch

        Robert Joseph notes that some of the world’s best known brands are now pro­duc­ing wines…

        Blue Zone Research: Sorry, Wine May Not Help You to Live to 100 After All

          Blue Zone Research: Sorry, Wine May Not Help You to Live to 100 After All

          A new study debunks the wine-friend­ly Blue Zones sto­ry. Felic­i­ty Carter reports.

          The Campaign to Remove Wine from Your Dinner Table

          The Campaign to Remove Wine from Your Dinner Table

          Why is a pan­el of sub­stance-abuse experts from an agency focused on pre­vent­ing…

          Is Wine Facing Prohibition 2.0?

          Is Wine Facing Prohibition 2.0?

          Near­ly a cen­tu­ry on from the last alco­hol ban in the USA, younger gen­er­a­tions…

          On Alcohol and Cancer—Be Happy, You're Gonna Be Just Fine

          On Alcohol and Cancer—Be Happy, You're Gonna Be Just Fine

          Wild claims about can­cer and drink­ing leave out the impor­tant part.

          River Stone is counting on its strong red wines

          River Stone is counting on its strong red wines

          There is good news and bad news at Riv­er Stone Estate Win­ery in Oliv­er. The good news…

          The Science of Heat Stress in Grapevines

          The Science of Heat Stress in Grapevines

          As more vine­yards around the world face per­sis­tent and inter­mit­tent heat stress,…

          Molecularly imprinted polymers successfully remove smoke taint in wine

            Molecularly imprinted polymers successfully remove smoke taint in wine

            Uni­ver­si­ty of Ade­laide researchers have eval­u­at­ed a new method to reme­di­ate…

            The revival of The Grange of Prince Edward

            The revival of The Grange of Prince Edward

            Win­ery Pres­i­dent and CEO Michael Leskovec shares the jour­ney of revi­tal­iz­ing one…

            Grapevine scale biology and monitoring in Australian vineyards

              Grapevine scale biology and monitoring in Australian vineyards

              A Vine­health Aus­tralia project will sur­vey the pop­u­la­tions of scale insects across…

              Niagara bubbles best in the Americas, plus LCBO picks, B.C.’s River Stone reviews

              Niagara bubbles best in the Americas, plus LCBO picks, B.C.’s River Stone reviews

              Three Nia­gara sparkling wines best­ed all the oth­ers in a blind tast­ing of 131…

              Mission Hill releases 2020 Oculus

              Mission Hill releases 2020 Oculus

              John Simes, the leg­endary wine­mak­er at Mis­sion Hill Fam­i­ly Estate, retired in 2015…

              Wine tourism with a green focus

                Wine tourism with a green focus

                A wine tourism con­fer­ence in Por­tu­gal this Octo­ber will pro­mote inno­va­tion and…

                Wineries and breweries to boost liquid yeast sector

                Wineries and breweries to boost liquid yeast sector

                Liq­uid yeast, used by many brew­eries and winer­ies, is fore­cast to grow glob­al­ly by…

                The Difference Between Macro, Meso, and Micro Climates

                The Difference Between Macro, Meso, and Micro Climates

                You will often hear wine­mak­ers and vine­yard man­age­ment teams talk about the unique…

                The Rise of Southwestern Ontario Wines with Martin Janz, Winemaker at Pelee Island Winery
                How British Columbia Wineries Are Recovering and Why You Should Visit Them

                How British Columbia Wineries Are Recovering and Why You Should Visit Them

                This year, British Columbia’s wine coun­try faced a dev­as­tat­ing frost that…

                New method may help wines tainted by wildfire smoke

                New method may help wines tainted by wildfire smoke

                Sci­en­tists have test­ed a more tar­get­ed way of remov­ing unpleas­ant ​‘smoke…

                Is Tasting 3,000 Wines a Year Hazardous to Your Health?

                Is Tasting 3,000 Wines a Year Hazardous to Your Health?

                I taste wines for a liv­ing — around 3,000 a year, in fact. While my mom…

                Tackling sustainability issues within the global drinks industry

                  Tackling sustainability issues within the global drinks industry

                  The inau­gur­al Sus­tain­abil­i­ty in Drinks (SID) con­fer­ence and exhi­bi­tion on 14th…

                  What the debate about wine and health gets wrong

                  What the debate about wine and health gets wrong

                  How Laura Catena Is Tackling Wine’s Sustainability Challenges
                  Reducing Drinking from Heavy to Moderate Can Improve Heart Health
                  Catena Institute finds ‘irrefutable proof’ of terroir
                  #WomenInspiringWomen: Laura Catena, Vintner, Physician, Author (Part 2)
                  The scientific studies showing the health benefits of wine
                  Drinking wine in moderation is better than being a teetotaler. Science and the “J Curve”
                  Mediterranean diet may benefit health in part by incorporating moderate wine consumption
                  Congress ‘Lifestyle, Diet, Wine & Health’

                    Congress ‘Lifestyle, Diet, Wine & Health’

                    ‘Significant untapped potential’ for digitalisation of wine sector
                    Why do we smell fruit that’s not grapes in our wine?
                    Can I Send This Wine Back? Yes, Here’s How.
                    The Wine Industry’s Challenges: A Conversation With Robert Joseph

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