Blending, Bending, and Breaking the Rules: The New Wine Frontier

    Blending, Bending, and Breaking the Rules: The New Wine Frontier

    Younger Gen­er­a­tions Rede­fine Wine

    What are the new wine trends to look out for in 2025?

    What are the new wine trends to look out for in 2025?

    Stay­ing abreast of incom­ing wine trends will keep your offer­ing cred­i­ble and in line…

    Chemical found in red wine used for bowel cancer drug

    Chemical found in red wine used for bowel cancer drug

    UK sci­en­tists are tri­alling a new drug made using a polyphe­nol found in the…

    Rootstock revolution: Enhancing pest resistance and grape quality

    Rootstock revolution: Enhancing pest resistance and grape quality

    In the world of viti­cul­ture, there’s a press­ing need to address the chal­lenges…

    Industry leaders set to gather for Sustainability in Drinks

    Industry leaders set to gather for Sustainability in Drinks

    The inau­gur­al Sus­tain­abil­i­ty in Drinks event brings key glob­al play­ers to the…

    How to lay the groundwork for making alcohol-free wine

    How to lay the groundwork for making alcohol-free wine

    From vine­yards to vac­u­um dis­til­la­tion, Zeno has learned that every stage of the…

    Devil’s Advocate: 8% ‘Mid-Strength’ Wine. A Trend to Watch

    Devil’s Advocate: 8% ‘Mid-Strength’ Wine. A Trend to Watch

    Robert Joseph notes that some of the world’s best known brands are now pro­duc­ing wines…

    New method may help wines tainted by wildfire smoke

    New method may help wines tainted by wildfire smoke

    Sci­en­tists have test­ed a more tar­get­ed way of remov­ing unpleas­ant ​‘smoke…

    How TikTok Could Transform the Wine Industry

      How TikTok Could Transform the Wine Industry

      Book­Tok has turned the sleepy pub­lish­ing indus­try upside down, dri­ving sales and…

      Hester Creek has a good inventory of wine - and a strategy to get through the 2024 vintage

      Hester Creek has a good inventory of wine - and a strategy to get through the 2024 vintage

      Like near­ly all Okana­gan winer­ies, Hes­ter Creek Estate Win­ery will be mak­ing wines…

      US Sustainable Winegrowing Summit: Key takeaways

      US Sustainable Winegrowing Summit: Key takeaways

      The 2024 US Sus­tain­able Wine­grow­ing Sum­mit was held this spring in Lodi,…

      How This Boutique Retailer Stands Out in a Sea of Big-Brand Liquor Stores

      How This Boutique Retailer Stands Out in a Sea of Big-Brand Liquor Stores

      With a sin­gu­lar focus on small, organ­ic and bio­dy­nam­ic pro­duc­ers, The Town…

      Tuning Into the Frequency of Biodynamic Trailblazer Nicolas Joly

      Tuning Into the Frequency of Biodynamic Trailblazer Nicolas Joly

      In France’s Loire Val­ley, a fig­ure stands out in the world of wine­mak­ing like…

      Can AI democratise the drinks trade?

      Can AI democratise the drinks trade?

      At last week’s db AI Con­fer­ence, our pan­elists debat­ed how AI soft­ware devel­op­ment…

      Wineries leading the way – Meet the key producers revolutionising and championing Ukrainian wine

        Wineries leading the way – Meet the key producers revolutionising and championing Ukrainian wine

        Ukraine’s redis­cov­ery as a wine-pro­duc­ing coun­try is found­ed on the work of…

        Gel from whey protein can break down alcohol in the body

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