Britt Karlsson

While Wine Watch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Britt Karlsson.

Who wants organic wines today?

Who wants organic wines today?

In France, sales of organ­ic wines are a bit slow now. But there are export mar­kets…

Research should help South African winegrowers become financially sustainable

Research should help South African winegrowers become financially sustainable

South Africa has two world-renowned wine research insti­tutes, the Uni­ver­si­ty of…

This year’s harvest, 2024, has started in France after a rainy and dry season (depending on the wine region)
Which countries irrigates their vineyards the most in the world?
The market and weather forces control the harvest in Champagne; weak sales = yields are lowered

The market and weather forces control the harvest in Champagne; weak sales = yields are lowered

In Cham­pagne, the per­mit­ted har­vest for 2024 has now been deter­mined. It is…

Alsace’s future: syrah, voltis and chenin blanc replacing riesling and gewurztraminer?

Alsace’s future: syrah, voltis and chenin blanc replacing riesling and gewurztraminer?

In France, it has so far been for­bid­den for a wine region to plant a grape…

The organic vineyards in France increased in 2023 despite challenging weather and diseases

The organic vineyards in France increased in 2023 despite challenging weather and diseases

The organ­ic vine­yard area in France is not increas­ing as much as it used to, but it is…

Fungal disease attacks fungus-resistant grapes, a setback for environmentally friendly grapes?

Fungal disease attacks fungus-resistant grapes, a setback for environmentally friendly grapes?

Obser­va­tions made in the depart­ments of Gard and Vau­cluse in south­ern France show…

Wine up to 8% is now sold in Finnish grocery stores

Wine up to 8% is now sold in Finnish grocery stores

As of June 5, Fin­land, which has an alco­hol state monop­oly, allows the sale of wine up…

Exporting wine brings in a lot of money – to some countries, at least

Exporting wine brings in a lot of money – to some countries, at least

French wine exports brought 11.9 bil­lion euros to the coun­try in 2023 (and over 18…

Full-bodied whites (!) for the summer barbecue

Full-bodied whites (!) for the summer barbecue

It doesn’t have to be red wine in the glass if you are hav­ing grilled meat on the…

An introduction to Languedoc, a large, dynamic, and successful wine region | Britt on Forbes

An introduction to Languedoc, a large, dynamic, and successful wine region | Britt on Forbes

Langue­doc in south­ern France has become a dynam­ic and excit­ing wine region. The…

The rosé wine season is here, but what determines the colour?

The rosé wine season is here, but what determines the colour?

A lot of rosé wine is being drunk right now. Maybe you are sit­ting with one in your…

BKWine Tastes: Tricolour from Etna and refreshing petnats from Tuscany

BKWine Tastes: Tricolour from Etna and refreshing petnats from Tuscany

We have recent­ly tried three Etna wines in three colours and two excit­ing Pet­nats from…

Buying wine directly from the winery is finally becoming a reality in Sweden (probably)

Buying wine directly from the winery is finally becoming a reality in Sweden (probably)

We can hard­ly believe it, but sales of alco­holic bev­er­ages direct­ly from the…

HVE, French sustainability label is declining in popularity

HVE, French sustainability label is declining in popularity

The French sus­tain­abil­i­ty label Haute Valeur Envi­ron­nemen­tale (HVE) was launched…

Summer is here – do you need any good wines to go with it?

Sum­mer is here (or so they say – here we have 13C) and you might look for a lighter…

Champagne: The United Arab Emirates threatens Sweden’s tenth place

Sweden’s love for cham­pagne is evi­dent, with the nation secur­ing a notable tenth…

The Forgotten Winemaker | New Brief #249

The Forgotten Winemaker | New Brief #249

No, it is not the title of a new thriller nov­el. ​“Good wine is made in the…

BKWine Brief nr 249, May 2024

BKWine Brief nr 249, May 2024

— The For­got­ten Wine­mak­er — No, it is not the title of a new thriller nov­el.…

BKWine tastes: Red and white from Bergerac and unusual white from Corbières | May 2024

We recent­ly tast­ed a white and a red wine from Château de la Jauber­tie in…

The two biggest internet wine merchants in Sweden, Vinoteket and Winefinder, merge

In Swe­den, online wine sales are on the rise. To be bet­ter pre­pared, the country’s two…

This year’s Prowein showcased alternative packaging in the wine industry – including a super-light…

Dur­ing the big wine fair Prowein in Düs­sel­dorf in March, many stands dealt with…

Cahors, southern French malbec with an emphasis on elegance | Britt on Forbes

In the large French wine region, which is some­what vague­ly called the South­west…

Cover crop, yes, but maybe not always?

In wine pro­duc­tion, adapt­ing to local con­di­tions is para­mount. Many wine…

This is the season for asparagus. What do we pair it with?

White aspara­gus is a sea­son­al del­i­ca­cy that is dif­fi­cult to resist. French…

World wine production in 2023 the lowest since 1961 and consumption shrinks

In 2023, world wine pro­duc­tion decreased by 10% due to droughts, heat waves, fires,…

High alcohol content? Don’t blame (just) climate change | New Brief #248

The alco­hol con­tent in wine has been con­tro­ver­sial for some time. We often hear…

BKWine Brief nr 248, April 2024

— High alco­hol con­tent? Don’t blame (just) cli­mate change — The alco­hol con­tent in…

Cava with long ageing: outstanding tasting of Cavas de Paraje Calificado | Britt on Forbes

The effer­ves­cent world of Cava pro­duces 250 mil­lion bot­tles each year from…

Stelvin, the screw cap, turns 60 years old

Stelvin, the screw cap, turns 60 years old

The screw cap (“screw cork” or ​“screw top”) is a suc­cess sto­ry. All wine…

The wine industry is an important source of income for the EU economy

Today’s wine indus­try in Europe often feels opposed by politi­cians, tem­per­ance…

The German Blue Nun becomes French

Blue Nun is a Ger­man best­seller and leg­end (per­haps not for the best rea­sons),…

Felton Road Wines: Prestige wines from New Zealand in lightweight bottles

Light­weight bot­tles are start­ing to appear even among pres­tige wines. This is good.…

Which grape varieties to grow in a drier climate?

Which grape varieties to grow in a drier climate?

A new study by INRAE, a French research insti­tute, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the…

Exceptional quality in South Africa 2024

The South­ern Hemi­sphere is in full swing with the 2024 har­vest — or they have already…

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