Christina Pickard

While Wine Watch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Christina Pickard.

We’re Entering a New Era of English Still Wine

We’re Entering a New Era of English Still Wine

Jack­son Fam­i­ly Wines’ expan­sion into Eng­land under­scores a qual­i­ty move­ment…

Grassy, Tropical and Fresh, New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc Is Instantly Recognizable

Grassy, Tropical and Fresh, New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc Is Instantly Recognizable

It’s the wine on a restau­rant list or shop shelf that is a sure bet at an…

From Hobbit Houses to Shepherd Huts: Unique Places to Sleep in English Wine Country

From Hobbit Houses to Shepherd Huts: Unique Places to Sleep in English Wine Country

Great Britain’s wine indus­try is boom­ing. One of the fastest wine-grow­ing regions in…

In Australia, Vineyard Pests Can Be Downright Adorable—or Deadly

In Australia, Vineyard Pests Can Be Downright Adorable—or Deadly

Aus­tralia is home to some of world’s most unique fau­na, which tend to be either…

In London’s Wine Bars, an Electric Drinking Scene Takes Hold

In London’s Wine Bars, an Electric Drinking Scene Takes Hold

There are few cities bet­ter than Lon­don in which to drink wine. There’s an out­dat­ed…

The Next Great Chardonnays Are from New Zealand

The Next Great Chardonnays Are from New Zealand

New Zealand has been pro­duc­ing Chardon­nay for decades, but qual­i­ty exam­ples of this…

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