Eloise Feilden

While Wine Watch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Eloise Feilden.

Methods to cut carbon in wineries are being underutilised, study finds

Methods to cut carbon in wineries are being underutilised, study finds

Sci­en­tists are using the find­ings from a new study, which revealed the…

Is complicated rhetoric sustainability’s biggest enemy?

Is complicated rhetoric sustainability’s biggest enemy?

Talk of sus­tain­abil­i­ty inevitably returns to one key ques­tion — how do we bridge the…

Consultation is key to cracking new Employment Rights Bill

Consultation is key to cracking new Employment Rights Bill

Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour gov­ern­ment has unveiled the most sig­nif­i­cant reforms to…

Wine could be used to power electric vehicles, new research finds

Wine could be used to power electric vehicles, new research finds

Acids cre­at­ed dur­ing wine­mak­ing could be used to pow­er bat­ter­ies found in…

Perfect match: summer of sport gives big boost to wine

Perfect match: summer of sport gives big boost to wine

First the Euros, then the Olympics, and now the Par­a­lympics — for­get Brat Sum­mer,…

LVMH owns all four of the world’s most valuable wine brands, data shows

LVMH owns all four of the world’s most valuable wine brands, data shows

Sparkling wine growth fol­low­ing the pan­dem­ic has ​“bol­stered” LVMH’s Cham­pagne…

Suntory and ASC Fine Wines show dedication to China

Suntory and ASC Fine Wines show dedication to China

ASC Fine Wines, along­side oth­er Sun­to­ry sub­sidiaries in Chi­na, have shown their…

China boosts Australian wine exports, but is it enough?

China boosts Australian wine exports, but is it enough?

Aus­tralian wine exports jumped 17% in val­ue to AU$2.2 bil­lion in 2023 – 24 thanks to…

Japan and South Korea are bright spots for Portuguese wine

Japan and South Korea are bright spots for Portuguese wine

Por­tuguese wine pro­duc­ers are bet­ting on the poten­tial of two Asian mar­kets — Japan…

Weingut Robert Weil launches Riesling for Chinese market

Weingut Robert Weil launches Riesling for Chinese market

Germany’s Weingut Robert Weil has tapped into the grow­ing thirst for Ries­ling in Chi­na…

Vietnam proposes alcohol tax hike to 100% by 2030

Vietnam proposes alcohol tax hike to 100% by 2030

Vietnam’s Finance Min­istry has announced plans for a phased tax hike on alco­hol,…

Majestic plans for 125 new stores

Majestic plans for 125 new stores

Majes­tic has released a list of 125 cities, towns and vil­lages it is eye­ing up…

Serbia-China FTA slashes tariffs on Serbian wine

Serbia-China FTA slashes tariffs on Serbian wine

The Chi­na-Ser­bia Free Trade Agree­ment (FTA), which came into effect on 1 July,…

Bollinger taps into growing thirst for Pinot Noir with PN VZ19 launch

Bollinger taps into growing thirst for Pinot Noir with PN VZ19 launch

Sixth-gen­er­a­tion Bollinger fam­i­ly mem­ber Cyril Delarue praised the grow­ing…

Can AI democratise the drinks trade?

Can AI democratise the drinks trade?

At last week’s db AI Con­fer­ence, our pan­elists debat­ed how AI soft­ware devel­op­ment…

Majestic partners with Balfour to expand English wine offering

Majestic partners with Balfour to expand English wine offering

Spe­cial­ist wine retail­er Majes­tic has announced a sig­nif­i­cant expan­sion of…

ASC scores distribution deal with De Bortoli in China

ASC scores distribution deal with De Bortoli in China

A new dis­tri­b­u­tion part­ner­ship with ASC Fine Wines across Main­land Chi­na and Hong…

Prosecco DOC Consortium appoints new president

Prosecco DOC Consortium appoints new president

Gian­car­lo Guidolin, Pres­i­dent of Can­ti­na Viti­coltori Ponte and coun­cil mem­ber of…

Christie’s sells 1945 Clos de Tart Grand Cru bottles for 14x estimate

Christie’s sells 1945 Clos de Tart Grand Cru bottles for 14x estimate

Two bot­tles of Clos de Tart Grand Cru 1945 sold for £43,750 at Christie’s last week,…

Sustainability spotlight: Bobal de San Juan

Sustainability spotlight: Bobal de San Juan

Fol­low­ing our Cel­e­bra­tion of Sus­tain­abil­i­ty — a col­lab­o­ra­tion between…

WeightWatchers endorses wine brand

WeightWatchers endorses wine brand

Weight­Watch­ers has part­nered with DrinkWell-owned wine brand Traces, mak­ing it the…

Chinese wine fraudster arrested in Bangkok

Chinese wine fraudster arrested in Bangkok

A Chi­nese man, iden­ti­fied only as Ming, has been arrest­ed in Bangkok after flee­ing…

China, US and India lead path to recovery for global alcohol market

China, US and India lead path to recovery for global alcohol market

Glob­al bev­er­age alco­hol is expect­ed to begin its recov­ery in 2025, accord­ing to…

Sweden to ease alcohol monopoly

Sweden to ease alcohol monopoly

The Swedish gov­ern­ment has announced plans to allow small-scale brew­eries,…

Japan’s Suntory Holdings sells US$500 million bond

Japan’s Suntory Holdings sells US$500 million bond

Sun­to­ry Hold­ings has priced a US$500 mil­lion bond to finance gen­er­al…

Is white wine about to boom in China?

Is white wine about to boom in China?

Rep­re­sent­ing pros­per­i­ty in Chi­nese cul­ture, it’s no sur­prise that red has long…

Vinexpo Asia visitorship reveals trend towards ‘continentalisation’

Vinexpo Asia visitorship reveals trend towards ‘continentalisation’

Vis­i­tor num­bers held strong at Vin­ex­po Asia this year, despite the even­t’s six-year…

Vinexpo Asia visitorship reveals trend towards ‘contentalisation’

Vinexpo Asia visitorship reveals trend towards ‘contentalisation’

Vis­i­tor num­bers held strong at Vin­ex­po Asia this year, despite the even­t’s six-year…

Santa Rita appoints new CEO

Santa Rita appoints new CEO

Chile’s Viña San­ta Rita win­ery has announced that for­mer Viña San Pedro exec­u­tive…

Singapore’s Oceanus Group signs CN¥200m wine deal in China

Singapore’s Oceanus Group signs CN¥200m wine deal in China

Sin­ga­pore-based invest­ment hold­ing com­pa­ny Oceanus Group Lim­it­ed has announced…

Vinexpo Asia 2024: the hot topics

Vinexpo Asia 2024: the hot topics

Hong Kong toast­ed the return of Vin­ex­po Asia this week after a six-year hia­tus.…

Pint-sized wine bottles are a Brexit benefit ‘fantasy’, says MP

Pint-sized wine bottles are a Brexit benefit ‘fantasy’, says MP

Pint-sized bot­tles of wine will be per­mit­ted on UK shelves from Sep­tem­ber, but…

Why drinks taste more alcoholic when warm, according to science

Why drinks taste more alcoholic when warm, according to science

A glass of whisky neat will taste more alco­holic than hav­ing it on the rocks, and…

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