James Evison

While Wine Watch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from James Evison.

‘Significant untapped potential’ for digitalisation of wine sector
‘No good evidence’ of risk from low-level alcohol consumption

‘No good evidence’ of risk from low-level alcohol consumption

A sta­tis­ti­cian who became world-famous for his crunch­ing of Covid data has hit out at…

Tokaj under threat from climate change

Tokaj under threat from climate change

Hun­gary is grap­pling with the impact of cli­mate change fol­low­ing the hottest July on…

French wine production falls

French wine production falls

France could lose the top spot as the world’s largest wine pro­duc­er to Italy this year…

Balfour Winery founder’s troubles over former hotel group

Balfour Winery founder’s troubles over former hotel group

The founder of Bal­four Win­ery, Richard Bal­four-Lynn, and his busi­ness part­ners have…

‘Highly significant’ impact on wine production from volcanic activity

‘Highly significant’ impact on wine production from volcanic activity

Vol­canic activ­i­ty plays a crit­i­cal role in viti­cul­ture due its wider impact…

Purple Rain wine dispute settled with Prince’s estate

Purple Rain wine dispute settled with Prince’s estate

A set­tle­ment has been agreed in a trade­mark dis­pute between L’uva Bel­la Win­ery…

Two jailed for Bordeaux grape-picking exploitation

Two jailed for Bordeaux grape-picking exploitation

A father and son who ran a viti­cul­tur­al con­trac­tor have been jailed for…

How to enter the Global Wine Masters competition series

How to enter the Global Wine Masters competition series

The Glob­al Wine Mas­ters blind-tast­ing com­pe­ti­tions, organ­ised by lead­ing…

Octavian becomes supporter of the Institute of Masters of Wine

Octavian becomes supporter of the Institute of Masters of Wine

The Insti­tute of Mas­ters of Wine (IMW) has announced that Octa­vian Wine Ser­vices,…

Australian Vintage sells Barossa vineyard

Australian Vintage sells Barossa vineyard

Pro­duc­er Aus­tralian Vin­tage has under­tak­en two deals, as it moves for­ward as…

Naked Wines’ CFO departs

Naked Wines’ CFO departs

Online wine retail­er Naked Wines has secured a new US$60m cred­it facil­i­ty with…

Australia and New Zealand team up on UK trade tasting in 2025

Australia and New Zealand team up on UK trade tasting in 2025

Wine Aus­tralia and New Zealand Wine­grow­ers will be team­ing up to run their annu­al UK…

Labour urged to ditch alcohol duty reform

Labour urged to ditch alcohol duty reform

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has been urged by the wine sec­tor to ditch next…

World’s oldest wine discovered in Spain

World’s oldest wine discovered in Spain

What it believed to be the world’s ​‘old­est’ wine has been dis­cov­ered by…

Is there any evidence to reduce drink-driving limits?

Is there any evidence to reduce drink-driving limits?

The British med­ical pro­fes­sion is call­ing on the gov­ern­ment to reduce the drink…

English Wine Week: WineGB welcomes Jackson Family Wines

English Wine Week: WineGB welcomes Jackson Family Wines

The UK divi­sion of wine pro­duc­er Jack­son Fam­i­ly Wines has joined forces with trade…

Mildew impacts the Rhône Valley

Mildew impacts the Rhône Valley

Issues with weath­er have con­tin­ued across French vine­yards with the Rhône also being…

English Wine Week: WineGB launches manifesto

English Wine Week: WineGB launches manifesto

Kick­ing off Eng­lish Wine Week and ahead of the gen­er­al elec­tion on 4 July,…

Week in pictures: 8 – 14 June 2024

Week in pictures: 8 – 14 June 2024

This week fea­tures Sarah Neish at Kew Gar­dens, Dou­glas Blyde at The Con­naught, Louis…

Southern Glazer’s announces death of chairman

Southern Glazer’s announces death of chairman

South­ern Glazer’s has announced the com­pa­ny’s chair­man Har­vey Chap­lin has died at…

Wine and spirits contributes £76bn to UK economy

Wine and spirits contributes £76bn to UK economy

The wine and spir­it trade is con­tribut­ing a mas­sive £76bn to the UK econ­o­my,…

Pairing wines with video games: a delightful, immersive journey

Pairing wines with video games: a delightful, immersive journey

Com­bin­ing the worlds of wine and video games can cre­ate an enjoy­able and immer­sive…

The transformative impact of AI on the drinks trade

The transformative impact of AI on the drinks trade

The post The trans­for­ma­tive impact of AI on the drinks trade appeared first on The…

Weather posing challenges for English vineyards

Weather posing challenges for English vineyards

2024 has already posed chal­lenges for Eng­lish vine­yards with Essex, the fifth-largest…

Week in pictures: 1 – 7 June 2024

Week in pictures: 1 – 7 June 2024

This week in pic­tures fea­tures Sarah Neish at Lake Gar­da, Dou­glas Blyde at…

A hot year, but with cooler climate wines: Argentina’s 2024 vintage

A hot year, but with cooler climate wines: Argentina’s 2024 vintage

Warm in tem­per­a­ture, yet cool in char­ac­ter is how many of Argentina’s wine­mak­ers…

Dolly Parton launches wine range

Dolly Parton launches wine range

Musi­cian and entre­pre­neur Dol­ly Par­ton has intro­duced her first col­lec­tion of…

Penedès hit by massive hailstorm

Penedès hit by massive hailstorm

The Penedès wine region in the province of Barcelona was hit with a severe…

Bottega Prosecco to celebrate Virgin Atlantic 40th anniversary

Bottega Prosecco to celebrate Virgin Atlantic 40th anniversary

To cel­e­brate the remark­able mile­stone of its 40th anniver­sary, Vir­gin Atlantic…

Bordeaux en primeur wines offered as NFTs

Bordeaux en primeur wines offered as NFTs

Web3 plat­form Inter­Cel­lar has launched a num­ber of this year’s Bor­deaux en…

The winner of Errazuriz Wine Photographer of the Year 2024

The winner of Errazuriz Wine Photographer of the Year 2024

A dra­mat­ic, birds-eye image of the har­vest in Bur­gundy has won the prize of…

Federal Trade Commission readies lawsuit against Southern Glazer’s

Federal Trade Commission readies lawsuit against Southern Glazer’s

The Fed­er­al Trade Com­mis­sion (FTC) is prepar­ing a law­suit against the US’s…

Study reveals capsules and foils prevent bacterial contamination

Study reveals capsules and foils prevent bacterial contamination

A sci­en­tif­ic study has proved that cap­sules and foils for still and sparkling wine…

Former footballer reveals 50,000 bottle wine cellar and love of DRC

Former footballer reveals 50,000 bottle wine cellar and love of DRC

The post For­mer foot­baller reveals 50,000 bot­tle wine cel­lar and love of DRC appeared…

Rupert Murdoch wants to make ‘world-class wines’

Rupert Murdoch wants to make ‘world-class wines’

The post Rupert Mur­doch wants to make ​‘world-class wines’ appeared first on The Drinks…

Sussex wine trail highlights producers

Sussex wine trail highlights producers

The post Sus­sex wine trail high­lights pro­duc­ers appeared first on The Drinks…

Week in pictures: 25 – 31 May 2024

Week in pictures: 25 – 31 May 2024

The post Week in pic­tures: 25 – 31 May 2024 appeared first on The Drinks Busi­ness.

A wine has been matured using a computer game soundtrack

A wine has been matured using a computer game soundtrack

The post A wine has been matured using a com­put­er game sound­track appeared…

What should be on The Bear’s wine list?

What should be on The Bear’s wine list?

Pop­u­lar FX hos­pi­tal­i­ty-focused dra­ma The Bear is return­ing to screens next month…

The healthiest wines to drink, according to a dietitian

The healthiest wines to drink, according to a dietitian

A dietit­ian has out­lined which wines are the ​“health­i­est” to drink in mod­er­a­tion,…

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