John Schreiner

While Wine Watch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from John Schreiner.

Blue Mountain releases premium wines from 2022

Blue Mountain releases premium wines from 2022

Dur­ing a recent trip to the Okana­gan, I drove past the pic­turesque Blue…

River Stone is counting on its strong red wines

River Stone is counting on its strong red wines

There is good news and bad news at Riv­er Stone Estate Win­ery in Oliv­er. The good news…

Mission Hill releases 2020 Oculus

Mission Hill releases 2020 Oculus

John Simes, the leg­endary wine­mak­er at Mis­sion Hill Fam­i­ly Estate, retired in 2015…

Fort Berens partners with Washington winery

Fort Berens partners with Washington winery

It is not sur­pris­ing to learn that the Lil­looet viti­cul­tur­al sub-appel­la­tion did…

Township 7 is thankful for its sparkling wine portfolio

Township 7 is thankful for its sparkling wine portfolio

After wine­mak­er Mary McDer­mott joined Town­ship 7 Vine­yards & Win­ery…

Hester Creek has a good inventory of wine - and a strategy to get through the 2024 vintage

Hester Creek has a good inventory of wine - and a strategy to get through the 2024 vintage

Like near­ly all Okana­gan winer­ies, Hes­ter Creek Estate Win­ery will be mak­ing wines…

Hillside is optimist about Naramata vineyards bouncing back

Hillside is optimist about Naramata vineyards bouncing back

The lat­est releas­es from Hill­side Win­ery & Bistro also includ­ed…

BC wineries have green light to use imported grapes in 2024

BC wineries have green light to use imported grapes in 2024

Grant Stan­ley, the gen­er­al man­ag­er of Spear­Head Win­ery in East Kelow­na, was in…

Clos du Soleil remains confident in the Similkameen

Clos du Soleil remains confident in the Similkameen

In May, Clos du Soleil Win­ery announced the acqui­si­tion and con­ver­sion of an…

Solvero Wines looks to Oregon, Washington grapes this fall

Solvero Wines looks to Oregon, Washington grapes this fall

On the Cana­da Day week­end, Solvero Wines opened its tast­ing room in the Gar­net…

Mayhem produces more Anarchy

Mayhem produces more Anarchy

May­hem Wines port­fo­lio of reserve wines, which are labelled Anar­chy, has now…

Remembering Naramata winegrower Tim Watts

Remembering Naramata winegrower Tim Watts

Ket­tle Val­ley Win­ery has announced that Tim Watts, one of its found­ing part­ners and…

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