Louis Thomas

While Wine Watch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Louis Thomas.

‘Hundreds of millions’ of wine labels to be destroyed

‘Hundreds of millions’ of wine labels to be destroyed

New Euro­pean Com­mis­sion guide­lines con­cern­ing the labelling of wine bot­tles could…

Spain announces five year plan to combat climate change

Spain announces five year plan to combat climate change

This week, the Fed­eración Españo­la del Vino (FEV) revealed that it has for­mu­lat­ed…

How does tillage affect vineyard soil bacteria?

How does tillage affect vineyard soil bacteria?

Soil health has become one of the hot top­ics in viti­cul­ture, with it being a key…

Cyril Brun reflects on a year at Ferrari Trento

Cyril Brun reflects on a year at Ferrari Trento

A year after ​“the trans­fer of the cen­tu­ry” when Cyril Brun swapped Cham­pagne for…

Where will Brunello di Montalcino’s 2019 vintage go?

Where will Brunello di Montalcino’s 2019 vintage go?

How will the recent­ly released 2019 vin­tage of Brunel­lo di Mon­tal­ci­no fare in…

‘Outstanding’ Casa Ferreirinha Barca-Velha 2015 released

‘Outstanding’ Casa Ferreirinha Barca-Velha 2015 released

This month sees the UK release of the 2015 vin­tage of Bar­ca-Vel­ha Douro Tin­to, with…

Maserati marks 50 years of Tignanello

Maserati marks 50 years of Tignanello

To mark half a cen­tu­ry of icon­ic Ital­ian wine Tig­nanel­lo, March­esi Anti­nori…

Yannick Alléno opens Paris pop-up with Moët & Chandon

Yannick Alléno opens Paris pop-up with Moët & Chandon

Chef Yan­nick Alléno, whose restau­rant empire holds 16 Miche­lin Stars, is open­ing…

Why this Danish winery has gone into the Swedish system

Why this Danish winery has gone into the Swedish system

Den­mark’s Ander­sen Win­ery has just arrived on Sys­tem­bo­laget – db dis­cov­ers more…

Golden bread and Trentodoc: the food and wine of the G7

Golden bread and Trentodoc: the food and wine of the G7

Last week’s G7 Sum­mit in Puglia did not just involve high stakes diplo­ma­cy between…

What to drink at Fitzrovia’s July

What to drink at Fitzrovia’s July

From dry Gewurtz­tramin­er to ​“savoury” Ries­ling, Louis Thomas learns about the…

The drinks of D-Day

The drinks of D-Day

With today mark­ing the 80th anniver­sary of the Allied forces storm­ing the beach­es of…

Ferrari Trento CEO receives knighthood

Ferrari Trento CEO receives knighthood

Mat­teo Lunel­li, the CEO and pres­i­dent of sparkling wine pow­er­house Fer­rari…

Does drinking on planes help or hinder sleep?

Does drinking on planes help or hinder sleep?

While many of us look for­ward to enjoy­ing a glass of some­thing before doz­ing off…

Prosecco ‘more expensive to cultivate than Champagne’

Prosecco ‘more expensive to cultivate than Champagne’

Pros­ec­co giant Bot­te­ga SpA has claimed that there should not be a price gap…

French Open bans booze

French Open bans booze

The French Open has pro­hib­it­ed fans from bring­ing alco­holic drinks into the stands…

Why Zonin1821 is launching a wine academy

Why Zonin1821 is launching a wine academy

Ital­ian drinks giant Zonin1821 has launched an acad­e­my to pro­mote the cul­ture and…

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