Michael Huband

While Wine Watch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Michael Huband.

How to lay the groundwork for making alcohol-free wine

How to lay the groundwork for making alcohol-free wine

From vine­yards to vac­u­um dis­til­la­tion, Zeno has learned that every stage of the…

Pasqua’s Hey French offers an innovative riposte to wine traditions

Pasqua’s Hey French offers an innovative riposte to wine traditions

Behind its play­ful brand­ing, Hey French strikes a care­ful bal­ance between…

Quality is ‘written in the grapes’, says Cava producer Can Sala

Quality is ‘written in the grapes’, says Cava producer Can Sala

A desire to express the ​“purest form” of Cava leads Can Sala to go above and beyond the…

Mezzacorona places growers at the heart of its sustainability programme

Mezzacorona places growers at the heart of its sustainability programme

Col­lec­tive action, steady progress and social respon­si­bil­i­ty have under­pinned…

Veuve Clicquot and The Pem celebrate summer in seasonal pairing

Veuve Clicquot and The Pem celebrate summer in seasonal pairing

Sal­ly Abé, chef at The Pem in West­min­ster, has designed a sum­mery,…

Pinot Grigio Delle Venezie demonstrates market potential

Pinot Grigio Delle Venezie demonstrates market potential

Patrick Schmitt MW explored Delle Venezie’s inter­na­tion­al stand­ing at the ​“most…

Tenute Piccini maps Italy with its Memoro range

Tenute Piccini maps Italy with its Memoro range

Using grapes from regions across Italy, Tenute Pic­ci­ni has cre­at­ed both emblem­at­ic…

Tor Kenward considers Napa’s future and its ‘golden egg’ of agriculture

Tor Kenward considers Napa’s future and its ‘golden egg’ of agriculture

Hav­ing amassed 50 years of expe­ri­ence in Napa Val­ley, Tor Ken­ward reflects on…

Tor Kenward: Napa could show ‘as much diversity’ as Burgundy

Tor Kenward: Napa could show ‘as much diversity’ as Burgundy

Hav­ing amassed 50 years of expe­ri­ence in Napa Val­ley, Tor Ken­ward reflects on…

Tor Kenward reflects on Napa’s agricultural ‘golden egg’

Tor Kenward reflects on Napa’s agricultural ‘golden egg’

Hav­ing amassed 50 years of expe­ri­ence in Napa Val­ley, Tor Ken­ward reflects on…

Mirabeau’s focus on regenerative viticulture vindicated

Mirabeau’s focus on regenerative viticulture vindicated

Mai­son Mirabeau’s lat­est progress in eco-friend­ly wine­mak­ing is its regen­er­a­tive…

“You have to think about the maison”: Minuty CEO on joining LVMH

“You have to think about the maison”: Minuty CEO on joining LVMH

François Mat­ton, CEO of Château Min­u­ty, explains why the Provence brand joined the…

Prestige cuvées lead a summer of change for Champagne Besserat de Bellefon

Prestige cuvées lead a summer of change for Champagne Besserat de Bellefon

The post Pres­tige cuvées lead a sum­mer of change for Cham­pagne Besser­at de…

Vinexpo America 2024 brings the world of wine and spirits to New York

Vinexpo America 2024 brings the world of wine and spirits to New York

Pro­duc­ers and atten­dees are prepar­ing for Vin­ex­po Amer­i­ca 2024, which promis­es…

AIX Rosé bursts into summer with curated playlists

AIX Rosé bursts into summer with curated playlists

Part­ner­ing with spe­cial­ists Playlis­ter, Mai­son Saint Aix is releas­ing four bespoke…

Collery flies the flag for non-vintage Champagnes

Collery flies the flag for non-vintage Champagnes

A Mas­ter medal for Cham­pagne Collery proves the impor­tance of pay­ing close atten­tion…

Amour de Deutz 2013 shows patience rewarded in Champagne

Amour de Deutz 2013 shows patience rewarded in Champagne

Defined by its grow­ing sea­son but revealed after a decade age­ing, Amour de Deutz…

Shoot ninja: Bodega Cuatro Rayas pioneers VR pruning tool

Shoot ninja: Bodega Cuatro Rayas pioneers VR pruning tool

Rue­da win­ery Bode­ga Cua­tro Rayas is part of an ini­tia­tive to train a new…

How Provence developed its reputation for rosé

How Provence developed its reputation for rosé

More than just a trend, Provence rosé stands out for its range of unique ter­roirs…

Making a Master: spusu ‘The First’ Gemischter Satz

Making a Master: spusu ‘The First’ Gemischter Satz

As part of db’s ​‘Mak­ing a Mas­ter’ series, we explore spusu’s ​‘The First’…

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