Natalie MacLean

While Wine Watch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Natalie MacLean.

Best LCBO Wine Reviews: Vintages Ratings September 21, 2024
The Rise of Southwestern Ontario Wines with Martin Janz, Winemaker at Pelee Island Winery
How British Columbia Wineries Are Recovering and Why You Should Visit Them

How British Columbia Wineries Are Recovering and Why You Should Visit Them

This year, British Columbia’s wine coun­try faced a dev­as­tat­ing frost that…

Why Ontario and Canadian Wines Deserve Your Attention and Taste Buds
Best LCBO Wine Reviews: Vintages Ratings August 24, 2024
4 Wines for Your Bored Taste Buds: Uncork the Unexpected

4 Wines for Your Bored Taste Buds: Uncork the Unexpected

Are you stuck in a wine rut, buy­ing the same bot­tle over and over? Well, it’s time…

5 Essential Tips to Moderate Your Wine Consumption: Moderation Management Keynote Address

5 Essential Tips to Moderate Your Wine Consumption: Moderation Management Keynote Address

Mod­er­a­tion Man­age­ment, a non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tion of more than 350,000…

Glorious Ontario Wines and the Stubborn, Pathological Optimists Who Make Them with Matthew Gaughan

Glorious Ontario Wines and the Stubborn, Pathological Optimists Who Make Them with Matthew Gaughan

Why do Ontario wine­mak­ers need to be excep­tion­al­ly unrea­son­able, stub­born, and…

Best LCBO Wine Reviews: Vintages Ratings July 20, 2024
The Pitfalls and Pleasures of Being a Working Mom in the Wine Industry

The Pitfalls and Pleasures of Being a Working Mom in the Wine Industry

Look­ing for a siz­zling sum­mer read? In her new mem­oir, Wine Witch on Fire:…

Canadian Wine Trailblazers: Canada’s 5 Revolutionary Winemakers

Canadian Wine Trailblazers: Canada’s 5 Revolutionary Winemakers

On CTV’s The Social, we cel­e­brate the long week­end by rais­ing a glass to…

Why Wildfire Smoke Taint in Wine Intensifies as it Ages with Dr. Wes Zandberg

Why Wildfire Smoke Taint in Wine Intensifies as it Ages with Dr. Wes Zandberg

Should we, as con­sumers, be con­cerned about buy­ing wines from regions which have…

Best Barbecue Wines: Pairing Wine with Your Grilled Grub (Video)

Best Barbecue Wines: Pairing Wine with Your Grilled Grub (Video)

Now that we’re offi­cial­ly into bar­be­cue sea­son, you may think of hav­ing beer with…

How Wildfires Affect the Taste of Your Wine with Dr. Wes Zandberg
Ontario Wines, the Women Behind Them and at the Forefront with Jennifer Wilhelm

Ontario Wines, the Women Behind Them and at the Forefront with Jennifer Wilhelm

Intro­duc­tion What is agri-tourism and why did peo­ple begin to embrace the farm­ing…

9 Best Napa Valley Wines to Drink Now

On CTV news, Leanne and I chat about ter­rif­ic Napa Val­ley wines at the…

California Wines: Grapes, Styles, Regions and What to Buy

On CTV News, Leanne and I chat about why Cal­i­forn­ian wines are among the most…

Toast to Dad: Perfect Father’s Day Wine and Book Gifts

Father’s Day is Sun­day, so why not toast Dad with wines that not only pair well grilled…

The Ultimate Father’s Day Gift Guide: Wine and Book Pairings

Father’s Day is Sun­day, so why not toast Dad with wines that not only pair well grilled…

BBQ Bliss: 4 Caymus Wines to Impress Dad this Father’s Day

BBQ Bliss: 4 Caymus Wines to Impress Dad this Father’s Day

Watch the CTV News video here Father’s Day is Sun­day and BBQ sea­son is in full…

Celebrating Women in Wine with Jennifer Wilhelm & Andrea Brambila

Celebrating Women in Wine with Jennifer Wilhelm & Andrea Brambila

Intro­duc­tion Are you curi­ous about the untold sto­ries of the leg­endary women who…

How to Buy the Perfect Summer Wine

In this episode of our wine edu­ca­tion video series, we look at to buy a ter­rif­ic…

Wine’s Salad Daze: The Ultimate Guide to Pairing Wine and Vegetables

On CTV’s Your Morn­ing Yes­ter­day, the network’s nation­al break­fast show, we paired…

Wines for Summer BBQ, Picnics, Seafood: CJAD Radio

Which wines to crack open for sum­mer BBQs: big reds for meats and flavour­ful whites…

Best Summer Wine Pairings

Best Summer Wine Pairings

Glob­al News Host Car­olyn and I chat­ted about great sum­mer wines yes­ter­day to…

Summer Wines and Seafood, Barbecue, Picnics – Sommelier Sheila Person

In this inter­view, I chat Sheila Per­son who at the time was som­me­li­er and…

Barbecue Wines for Father’s Day: Best Bottles for Grilled Grub

On CTV’s The Social, we chat about great wines for BBQ fare on Father’s Day. Nat, some…

Best LCBO Wine Reviews: Vintages Ratings June 8, 2024

You can access the wines that I reviewed as a text wine list with my…

Heroic Italian Wines & the Future of Italy’s Wines with Marc Millon

Intro­duc­tion What is a hero­ic wine? Which emerg­ing trends will shape the…

Wine and Egg Pairing: Does it Work?

Wine and Egg Pairing: Does it Work?

This sto­ry by Shaw­na Wag­man orig­i­nal­ly appeared on Ottawa Mag­a­zine. Eggs are not…

Pairing Wine & Creative Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

Pairing Wine & Creative Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

Car­olyn, Jeff and I chat about pair­ing wine and grilled cheese sand­wich­es for…

4 Wines (and Reasons) to Celebrate National Wine Day

Watch the CTV Morn­ing Live video here This Sat­ur­day is Nation­al Wine Day and…

How Wildfires Are Changing the Landscape of Wine Country

Watch CTV News video here I’ve been report­ing on the eco­nom­ic and…

Italy in a Wine Glass: The Story of Italy Through Its Wines with Marc Millon

Intro­duc­tion Which almost-for­got­ten grape Ital­ian vari­eties deserve more…

How to Pair Wine with Any Hamburger (Video)

On Glob­al Television’s Morn­ing Show Thurs­day, we paired wine with many types of…

Best LCBO Wine Reviews: Vintages Ratings May 25, 2024

You can access the wines that I reviewed as a text wine list with my…

How Labels on Wine and People Can be Misleading – CTV News Montreal

Most of us live our lives, as we believe things to be. We label, we judge, we make…

5 Perfect Pairings for Wine and Ice Cream: Pistachio, Strawberry, Coffee, Butter Pecan, Rocky Road

Watch CTV’s The Social video here Wel­come back every­body. Today is Nation­al Ice…

Mixing Business and Pleasure; Authenticity and Forgery in Art and Wine with Bianca Bosker

Intro­duc­tion How are inno­va­tors mak­ing art and wine more engag­ing and acces­si­ble?…

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