Rick VanSickle

While Wine Watch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Rick VanSickle.

Our lucky 13 Most Thrilling Ontario Sparkling Wines of 2024

Our lucky 13 Most Thrilling Ontario Sparkling Wines of 2024

Ontario wine­mak­ers keep rais­ing the bar high­er and high­er when it comes to sparkling…

You couldn’t write a better Hollywood script for this new Niagara wine brand

You couldn’t write a better Hollywood script for this new Niagara wine brand

Some Nia­gara wine sto­ries are script­ed right down to the final detail, but this one is…

Flat Rock cellar raid, Nyarai back in action, a unique Gris from Last House

Flat Rock cellar raid, Nyarai back in action, a unique Gris from Last House

A rare oppor­tu­ni­ty awaits Nia­gara wine lovers this week­end as Flat Rock Cel­lars…

Axing tax on wine a holiday ‘surprise’, plus a tsunami of Niagara wine reviews

Axing tax on wine a holiday ‘surprise’, plus a tsunami of Niagara wine reviews

A Christ­mas gift from the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to give wine lovers a 13% tax…

10 glorious years for Two Sisters, a local Gamay Nouveau released and Vintages picks

10 glorious years for Two Sisters, a local Gamay Nouveau released and Vintages picks

We walked into the unknown at the new Two Sis­ters Vine­yards win­ery unan­nounced on…

A deep dive into the wildly diverse portfolio from Niagara’s Leaning Post

A deep dive into the wildly diverse portfolio from Niagara’s Leaning Post

Ilya and Nadia Senchuk, own­ers of Niagara’s Lean­ing Post Wines, have nev­er been…

For Niagara’s Mio Vineyard, their incredible journey is just beginning

For Niagara’s Mio Vineyard, their incredible journey is just beginning

Eight years ago, Corey Mio hadn’t even tried a glass of Nia­gara wine let alone…

Christmas comes early for Niagara wine lovers with upcoming LCBO release

Christmas comes early for Niagara wine lovers with upcoming LCBO release

For lovers of top-tier Nia­gara wines, Christ­mas is com­ing to you ear­ly at LCBO…

Bachelder’s 2022 Pinot and Chardonnay release a ‘classic, complex, cellarable vintage’

Bachelder’s 2022 Pinot and Chardonnay release a ‘classic, complex, cellarable vintage’

He’s mad­ly jot­ting down notes in his jour­nal — a wine savant bible of sorts — and…

‘Exciting’ times in Ontario as Costco sells wine — at better prices than the LCBO

‘Exciting’ times in Ontario as Costco sells wine — at better prices than the LCBO

It was quite the scene at the Stoney Creek Cost­co today as shelves were quick­ly…

Surprises, hits and misses after digging deep in cellar for aged Niagara wines

Surprises, hits and misses after digging deep in cellar for aged Niagara wines

There were a few sur­pris­es, a head-scratch­er, and a rev­e­la­tion after…

Something new from Trail Estate that will lift your spirits, plus #openlocalwine paused

Something new from Trail Estate that will lift your spirits, plus #openlocalwine paused

Whether it’s hi-fi or lo-fi, Trail Estate Win­ery in Prince Edward Coun­ty has been…

The evolution of Riverview Cellars Winery, a gem on the Niagara Parkway

The evolution of Riverview Cellars Winery, a gem on the Niagara Parkway

Riverview Cel­lars Win­ery is one of the lucky few in the region to enjoy a cap­tive…

Local wines pair perfectly with Thanksgiving and we serve up some suggestions

Local wines pair perfectly with Thanksgiving and we serve up some suggestions

They don’t have the slick mar­ket­ing cam­paigns or the atten­tion that the big­ger, more…

Cheers to 20 years of top Syrahs from Niagara’s Creekside Estate Winery

Cheers to 20 years of top Syrahs from Niagara’s Creekside Estate Winery

Shock­waves rever­ber­at­ed through­out the Nia­gara Fallsview Casi­no on Feb. 19, 2010,…

Dam, that was some hard grape picking, plus a primer for wine influencers to heed

Dam, that was some hard grape picking, plus a primer for wine influencers to heed

A glass of wine nev­er tast­ed as good as the Dam Chardon­nay I enjoyed after…

Coming out party for The Crush’s Rennie Estate and 2027 Cellars wine

Coming out party for The Crush’s Rennie Estate and 2027 Cellars wine

The first few per­fect rows of Caber­net Sauvi­gnon, plant­ed on a rare west-fac­ing…

The League of Farmers has a home of their own, plus our picks from LCBO releases

The League of Farmers has a home of their own, plus our picks from LCBO releases

With a group clink­ing of glass­es to wel­come the grape har­vest in Nia­gara, the…

Niagara bubbles best in the Americas, plus LCBO picks, B.C.’s River Stone reviews

Niagara bubbles best in the Americas, plus LCBO picks, B.C.’s River Stone reviews

Three Nia­gara sparkling wines best­ed all the oth­ers in a blind tast­ing of 131…

As harvest begins another huge grape surplus looms in Niagara

As harvest begins another huge grape surplus looms in Niagara

With har­vest under­way in Nia­gara, there’s a more con­cern­ing issue on the minds…

A tasty wine journey to Ottawa’s KIN Vineyards and the County’s Last House

A tasty wine journey to Ottawa’s KIN Vineyards and the County’s Last House

It just isn’t easy mak­ing wine on the mar­gins in Ontario but when wine­mak­ers get it…

Where wine meets cider, the bucolic world of Stoss Lee and Stock and Row

Where wine meets cider, the bucolic world of Stoss Lee and Stock and Row

It has been said that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and maybe that is true…

Château des Charmes winemaker welcomes next chapter at historic winery

Château des Charmes winemaker welcomes next chapter at historic winery

As one chap­ter clos­es on the his­toric Château des Charmes win­ery in Nia­gara,…

Cloudsley’s stunning ‘happy accident’ Pinot Noir, plus new wines reviewed

Cloudsley’s stunning ‘happy accident’ Pinot Noir, plus new wines reviewed

I had resist­ed the temp­ta­tion to open that Pinot Noir that stared back at me in our…

Kirby, On Seven play a big role in the Ontario Chardonnay crusade

Kirby, On Seven play a big role in the Ontario Chardonnay crusade

Stay­ing on the Chardon­nay band­wag­on, there’s a new wave of pro­duc­ers who have…

Spotlight on Westcott Vineyards at the forefront of the Chardonnay evolution

Spotlight on Westcott Vineyards at the forefront of the Chardonnay evolution

There’s no ques­tion Ontario makes world-class Chardon­nay, but just how far can the top…

Niagara College’s first female winemaker guiding students into future

Niagara College’s first female winemaker guiding students into future

A winemaker’s job can be a lone­ly one, unless you trade in that life for a new…

The rich history, colourful shirts and deep portfolio from Henry of Pelham’s Speck Brothers

The rich history, colourful shirts and deep portfolio from Henry of Pelham’s Speck Brothers

It’s anoth­er stinkin’ hot day in Nia­gara and Paul Speck is run­ning around col­lect­ing…

A family affair as Niagara’s Honsberger winery celebrates 10th anniversary

A family affair as Niagara’s Honsberger winery celebrates 10th anniversary

Hons­berg­er Estate Win­ery has a farm­ing his­to­ry that dates back more than…

One last grand wine tasting as a new chapter begins at Featherstone winery

One last grand wine tasting as a new chapter begins at Featherstone winery

After 25 years of suc­cess, the Feath­er­stone Estate Win­ery on Niagara’s Twen­ty…

The LCBO ordered to do better on VQA market share at their stores

The LCBO ordered to do better on VQA market share at their stores

In a rather star­tling let­ter to the LCBO, the provin­cial gov­ern­ment has…

Wineries in Ontario making hybrid grapes cool again

Wineries in Ontario making hybrid grapes cool again

When the Vint­ners Qual­i­ty Alliance of Ontario was first envi­sioned in 1988 (and…

York Vineyards in Niagara takes sparkling wines to a whole new level
Show a little love for these Niagara wines caught in middle of LCBO strike

Show a little love for these Niagara wines caught in middle of LCBO strike

Well, now that the LCBO union, for the first time in its his­to­ry, has gone on strike,…

Why so few care if the LCBO strikes or not on Friday, plus our Vintages picks

Why so few care if the LCBO strikes or not on Friday, plus our Vintages picks

If his­to­ry is any indi­ca­tion, a threat­ened LCBO strike in Ontario start­ing at…

Historic Niagara winery Chateau des Charmes sold to investment group

Historic Niagara winery Chateau des Charmes sold to investment group

One of Ontario’s most his­toric and impor­tant winer­ies — Niagara’s Château des…

Key changes coming to VQA standards, plus two killer value wines, new Hip wines

Key changes coming to VQA standards, plus two killer value wines, new Hip wines

Three key changes to VQA rules, that include the cre­ation of a West Nia­gara…

Ontario wineries, bottle shops ramp up for looming strike at LCBO stores

Ontario wineries, bottle shops ramp up for looming strike at LCBO stores

LCBO work­ers, who could very well walk off the job on July 5, are forc­ing many Ontario…

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