Sophie Arundel

While Wine Watch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Sophie Arundel.

EU wine reforms aim to tackle oversupply and climate change

EU wine reforms aim to tackle oversupply and climate change

Fol­low­ing a meet­ing in Brus­sels this week, the EU has unveiled…

Global wine production hits historic low

Global wine production hits historic low

Glob­al wine is set to hit a 60-year low as cli­mate change and eco­nom­ic…

US alcohol industry set for slow recovery after ‘reset year’ in 2023

US alcohol industry set for slow recovery after ‘reset year’ in 2023

Eco­nom­ic pres­sures and chang­ing habits hit US alco­hol sales in 2023, but growth in…

How wine can help with the ‘brutal reality’ for retired athletes

How wine can help with the ‘brutal reality’ for retired athletes

Last night, a host of rug­by icons unit­ed with The Sport­ing Wine Club to sup­port…

What the US wine industry needs from its next agriculture secretary

What the US wine industry needs from its next agriculture secretary

Declin­ing sales, labour uncer­tain­ty, and loom­ing tar­iff ten­sions: db speaks to…

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