Tom Wark

While Wine Watch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Tom Wark.

Proposing the Most Draconian Assault On Wine in Decades
On Alcohol and Cancer—Be Happy, You're Gonna Be Just Fine

On Alcohol and Cancer—Be Happy, You're Gonna Be Just Fine

Wild claims about can­cer and drink­ing leave out the impor­tant part.

Authoritarian Karens and the Fight-Back by Wine

Authoritarian Karens and the Fight-Back by Wine

Felic­i­ty Carter’s new Health+Wine Pod­cast and her report­ing is the tip of the…

New World Laissez-Faire Winemaking Is Changing Old World Wine

New World Laissez-Faire Winemaking Is Changing Old World Wine

Turns out Free­dom is exact­ly what’s called for in the wine world

Wine as a Diplomatic Tool in Ukraine's War with Russia

Wine as a Diplomatic Tool in Ukraine's War with Russia

The mean­ing of Ukraine adopt­ing EU-style wine regulations

"Get your d’Yquem. Get your DRC...I've got your d'Yquem and DRC!"

"Get your d’Yquem. Get your DRC...I've got your d'Yquem and DRC!"

Four decades of Pinot Noir Cel­e­bra­tions come to an end

Recent DtC Report's Enlightening Details

Recent DtC Report's Enlightening Details

First half of 2024 shows sig­nif­i­cant DtC Win­ery Ship­ping Trends; Oh yeah…and…

It's Time For "Prime Wine"

It's Time For "Prime Wine"

Wine Isn’t Part of Ama­zon’s ​“Prime Days”, but why not a day for wine alone?

It's the Greatest Short Term Threat to the American Wine Industry

It's the Greatest Short Term Threat to the American Wine Industry

The high like­li­hood that a Trump admin­is­tra­tion will re-impose wine tariffs

In the Wine Biz, We All Have the Same Job

In the Wine Biz, We All Have the Same Job

We are among the lucky few and we ought to under­stand that and act accordingly

The "Chevron Doctrine" is Overturned. What It Means For Wine Lawsuits

The "Chevron Doctrine" is Overturned. What It Means For Wine Lawsuits

Inves­ti­gat­ing the impact of an impor­tant recent Supreme Court case on wine

The Structural and Transitory Changes to the Wine Industry

The Structural and Transitory Changes to the Wine Industry

How to under­stand the two types of change that will impact the wine business

The Continuing Evolution of the Wine Media

The Continuing Evolution of the Wine Media

The sub­stance of what pass­es as ​“wine media” or wine com­mu­ni­ca­tions” has not…

How To Dismantle the Anti-Alcohol Narrative

How To Dismantle the Anti-Alcohol Narrative

An exam­ple from Ore­gon where the indus­try is fight­ing back with facts

Spirits Shipping Coming to New York: Does It Matter the Law is Unconstitutional?

Spirits Shipping Coming to New York: Does It Matter the Law is Unconstitutional?

The answer is Yes (and No).

The Arc of the Alcohol Universe is Long, But Bends Toward Free Trade

The Arc of the Alcohol Universe is Long, But Bends Toward Free Trade

Obser­va­tions that the changes in Delaware, though uncon­sti­tu­tion­al, are positive

Southern-Glazers Has A Really Bad Week

Southern-Glazers Has A Really Bad Week

The FTC and a fed­er­al judge appear not to be buy­ing South­ern’s book of tricks

"Play More Golf" Is Rarely the Correct Answer to Wine's and Life's Challenges

"Play More Golf" Is Rarely the Correct Answer to Wine's and Life's Challenges

The chal­lenges faced by wine require a real response that I see coming

Wine Interviews and a Fear of Public Speaking

Wine Interviews and a Fear of Public Speaking

A pre­lude to a webinar

Patriotic Wine for Memorial Day

Patriotic Wine for Memorial Day

An exam­i­na­tion of pref­er­ence and patriotism

Source Says Feds Will Declare "No Amount of Alcohol" is Healthy

Source Says Feds Will Declare "No Amount of Alcohol" is Healthy

A source in Wash­ing­ton, DC says they have seen the rec­om­men­da­tion for the com­ing…

A Return to Moon Mountain

A Return to Moon Mountain

An email from a guy named Augus­tus remind­ed me of ear­ly morn­ing dri­ves in…

The Conference Is Aimed At Killing the Wine Industry

The Conference Is Aimed At Killing the Wine Industry

It’s a gath­er­ing of the most com­mit­ted anti-alco­hol cru­saders in the country

The 8 Changes Coming to Wine in the U.S

The 8 Changes Coming to Wine in the U.S

Changes in wine drink­ing pat­terns is going to have reprocussions

Moral Panic and Hysterical Alarmism of State Alcohol Regulators

Moral Panic and Hysterical Alarmism of State Alcohol Regulators

They nev­er ask: ​“Hey, why are all these peo­ple arrang­ing for ille­gal shipments?”

The Best Five Days of My Wine Industry Year

The Best Five Days of My Wine Industry Year

A lit­tle insight into the rest of my day

5 Macro Trends and Their Potential Impact on the Wine Marketplace

5 Macro Trends and Their Potential Impact on the Wine Marketplace

The poten­tial Impact of these trends could be huge for the wine industry

The Manchurian Candidate Comes to Wine & Spirits

The Manchurian Candidate Comes to Wine & Spirits

For­get ​“Reg­u­la­to­ry Capture”…Now we are in the realm of ​“Reg­u­la­to­ry Ownership”

How Wine Can Save Youth from the Loneliness Epidemic

How Wine Can Save Youth from the Loneliness Epidemic

The ​“Tast­ing Group” needs to make a come­back among the young

How I learned to Love the Three-Tier System By Watching a Screen

How I learned to Love the Three-Tier System By Watching a Screen

But is it pos­si­ble the beer whole­salers are lying to me?

Cannabis and its Tools Are Coming After Wine

Cannabis and its Tools Are Coming After Wine

Wine peo­ple need to push back against the cannabis tools that would den­i­grate wine

The Necessary Lament

The Necessary Lament

Karen Mac­Neil says out loud what many of us are think­ing about wine and wine writing

The Origins of the Three-Tier System

The Origins of the Three-Tier System

You might be sur­prised to learn…

The Memo on Natural Wine

The Memo on Natural Wine

It had to hap­pen eventually…My friend Tish has the dish on the newest…

Six Costly Ways to Play With The Big Boys In the Wine, Beer and Spirits Space

Six Costly Ways to Play With The Big Boys In the Wine, Beer and Spirits Space

It could cost you Bil­lions to just a mere few thousand

Embrace the Bad Wine News

Embrace the Bad Wine News

It is a bad day for wine news, but it’s nec­es­sary to read it and…

Thirty-Five Things I've Learned in 35 Years of Working in Wine

Thirty-Five Things I've Learned in 35 Years of Working in Wine

(In no par­tic­u­lar order)

On Wine Sales: It's Just a Matter of Getting the Kids to Listen to Their Elders

On Wine Sales: It's Just a Matter of Getting the Kids to Listen to Their Elders

Arti­cle ful­ly artic­u­lates the chal­lenge of wine sales to Mil­len­ni­als and…

Southern Glazers Happily Pays Millions to Maintain Status as Alcohol's Largest Mediocrity

Southern Glazers Happily Pays Millions to Maintain Status as Alcohol's Largest Mediocrity

Pay­ing WSWA trade asso­ci­a­tion and law­mak­ers to pro­tect it from competition

The Ancient Game Is Afoot and It's Wine's Turn

The Ancient Game Is Afoot and It's Wine's Turn

How the wine indus­try should respond to the sac­ri­fice of truth and com­mon sense.

Google's AI Just Made Up a Supreme Court Decision About Wine Shipping

Google's AI Just Made Up a Supreme Court Decision About Wine Shipping

The prob­lem with Google Gem­i­ni goes well beyond images of Black George Wash­ing­ton…

What If...? A Question or Two About Natural Wine

What If...? A Question or Two About Natural Wine

Is it pos­si­ble that nat­ur­al wine is a cause of wine’s decline among younger…

Baseball and the Wine Enthusiast's Bucket List

Baseball and the Wine Enthusiast's Bucket List

There are just cer­tain things every base­ball enthu­si­ast and wine enthu­si­ast…

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