Tony Aspler

While Wine Watch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Tony Aspler.

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 942: River Stone Wines and an Anniversary Dinner
A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 936: Big Head’s Amazing Wines and My Choral Debut

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 936: Big Head’s Amazing Wines and My Choral Debut

Andrzej Lip­in­s­ki of Big Head invit­ed me to the win­ery to see his new tast­ing room,…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 933: A Wine-Filled Week

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 933: A Wine-Filled Week

Sat­ur­day, July 20th: Deb­o­rah and I were invit­ed to Dob­bin Estate for…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 931: Malivoire Sparklers

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 931: Malivoire Sparklers

Reg­u­lar fol­low­ers of my blog will have noticed it is sev­er­al weeks since…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 929: Sue-Ann Staff and Niagara College Teaching Winery

Sue-Ann Staff Estate Win­ery Ries­ling 2011 (Nia­gara Penin­su­la) Old gold in colour;…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 928: 13th Street and Le Clos Jordanne

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 928: 13th Street and Le Clos Jordanne

June 1st: Tast­ed a raft of 13th Street wines. 13th Street Win­ery Expres­sion…

A Wine-Hosted River Cruise with Tony Aspler

Join me and Deb­o­rah with Plan A Vaca­tion on this wine-host­ed riv­er cruise…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 927: London, Wine Business and Business Class

Mon­day, May 13th: Arrived in Lon­don fresh from our tour of the Rhone. Deb­o­rah and…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 926: The Rhône Tour

Mon­day, May 6th: Deb­o­rah and I flew British Air to Lyon to join our tour group…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 925: Flat Rock Cellars’ Annual Media/Trade Tasting

Tues­day, April 30th: Went to Flat Rock Cel­lars to taste the newest, unre­leased…

I’ve Joined a Choir

I’ve joined a choir, and they’re hav­ing a con­cert soon. I prob­a­bly…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 924: Pentâge Winery, Tawse Vineyard and Flat Rock Cellars

Pen­tâge Win­ery Viog­nier 2018 (Okana­gan Val­ley, BC) Light gold­en colour; fra­grant,…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 923: Bachelder Gamay 2022 Tasting

Sat­ur­day, April 13th: Bill Redelmeier of South­brook invit­ed Deb­o­rah and me to…

Pre-sale Tickets for Legends Dinner NYC with José Andrés

We’re delight­ed to announce an exclu­sive pre-sale for tick­ets to our upcom­ing Wine…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 922: Westcott Vineyards Wines & Grapes for Humanity’s Fine Wine Auctio

West­cott Vine­yards Butler’s Grant Old Vines Ries­ling 2022 (Twen­ty Mile Bench) Pale…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 921: An Extraction and an Eclipse

Fri­day, April 5th: Had a wis­dom tooth extract­ed this morn­ing. I think my IQ…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 920: Wining with the Easter Bunny

Mon­day, March 25th: Alli­son Find­lay, wine­mak­er at Nia­gara Col­lege Teach­ing…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 919: Black Bank Hill Takes a Bow

Wednes­day, March 20th: Par­tic­i­pat­ed in a zoom pre­sen­ta­tion of a new…

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