Tony Aspler

While Wine Watch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Tony Aspler.

Grapes for Humanity Charity Wine Auction in Partnership with Waddingtons and Fine Wine Reserve

Grapes for Humanity Charity Wine Auction in Partnership with Waddingtons and Fine Wine Reserve

An announce­ment from Marc Rus­sell and the Fine Wine Reserve team: We are thrilled to be…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 942: River Stone Wines and an Anniversary Dinner
A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 936: Big Head’s Amazing Wines and My Choral Debut

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 936: Big Head’s Amazing Wines and My Choral Debut

Andrzej Lip­in­s­ki of Big Head invit­ed me to the win­ery to see his new tast­ing room,…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 933: A Wine-Filled Week

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 933: A Wine-Filled Week

Sat­ur­day, July 20th: Deb­o­rah and I were invit­ed to Dob­bin Estate for…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 931: Malivoire Sparklers

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 931: Malivoire Sparklers

Reg­u­lar fol­low­ers of my blog will have noticed it is sev­er­al weeks since…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 929: Sue-Ann Staff and Niagara College Teaching Winery

Sue-Ann Staff Estate Win­ery Ries­ling 2011 (Nia­gara Penin­su­la) Old gold in colour;…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 928: 13th Street and Le Clos Jordanne

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 928: 13th Street and Le Clos Jordanne

June 1st: Tast­ed a raft of 13th Street wines. 13th Street Win­ery Expres­sion…

A Wine-Hosted River Cruise with Tony Aspler

Join me and Deb­o­rah with Plan A Vaca­tion on this wine-host­ed riv­er cruise…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 927: London, Wine Business and Business Class

Mon­day, May 13th: Arrived in Lon­don fresh from our tour of the Rhone. Deb­o­rah and…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 926: The Rhône Tour

Mon­day, May 6th: Deb­o­rah and I flew British Air to Lyon to join our tour group…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 925: Flat Rock Cellars’ Annual Media/Trade Tasting

Tues­day, April 30th: Went to Flat Rock Cel­lars to taste the newest, unre­leased…

I’ve Joined a Choir

I’ve joined a choir, and they’re hav­ing a con­cert soon. I prob­a­bly…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 924: Pentâge Winery, Tawse Vineyard and Flat Rock Cellars

Pen­tâge Win­ery Viog­nier 2018 (Okana­gan Val­ley, BC) Light gold­en colour; fra­grant,…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 923: Bachelder Gamay 2022 Tasting

Sat­ur­day, April 13th: Bill Redelmeier of South­brook invit­ed Deb­o­rah and me to…

Pre-sale Tickets for Legends Dinner NYC with José Andrés

We’re delight­ed to announce an exclu­sive pre-sale for tick­ets to our upcom­ing Wine…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 922: Westcott Vineyards Wines & Grapes for Humanity’s Fine Wine Auctio

West­cott Vine­yards Butler’s Grant Old Vines Ries­ling 2022 (Twen­ty Mile Bench) Pale…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 921: An Extraction and an Eclipse

Fri­day, April 5th: Had a wis­dom tooth extract­ed this morn­ing. I think my IQ…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 920: Wining with the Easter Bunny

Mon­day, March 25th: Alli­son Find­lay, wine­mak­er at Nia­gara Col­lege Teach­ing…

A Wine Lover’s Diary, part 919: Black Bank Hill Takes a Bow

Wednes­day, March 20th: Par­tic­i­pat­ed in a zoom pre­sen­ta­tion of a new…

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