Top News
The Power of Choice: Navigating Health and Lifestyle Decisions over the Holidays

The Power of Choice: Navigating Health and Lifestyle Decisions over the Holidays

“Choice” has been a big word this year. In our rapid­ly evolv­ing world, where infor­ma­tion flows freely and con­nec­tions are made instant­ly, we find our­selves at a cross­roads of end­less pos­si­bil­i­ties when it comes to our health…

Another piece in the puzzle – Moderate wine consumption can decrease inflammation markers
Canadian wine isn’t a substitute—it’s a standout

Canadian wine isn’t a substitute—it’s a standout

As tar­iffs shift con­sumer focus, it’s time to cel­e­brate Cana­di­an wine for what it…

Consuming alcoholic beverages can be beneficial for cholesterol levels

    Consuming alcoholic beverages can be beneficial for cholesterol levels

    While some stud­ies sug­gest­ed that light to mod­er­ate drink­ing of wine/​alcoholic…

    Ask for More Canada! Canadian Wine and Spirit Substitutes for US Brands

    Ask for More Canada! Canadian Wine and Spirit Substitutes for US Brands

    Amer­i­can wines are being pulled off the shelves across Cana­da, retal­i­a­tion for the…

    Recent News

    The U.S. Has a Long, Ugly History of Alcohol-Related Tariff Fights. They Don’t End Well.

    The U.S. Has a Long, Ugly History of Alcohol-Related Tariff Fights. They Don’t End Well.

    The tar­iff chaos of 2018 has come back with a vengeance. Soon after tak­ing office…

    EU delays first tariffs against U.S. to mid-April

    EU delays first tariffs against U.S. to mid-April

    BRUS­SELS, March 20 (Reuters) — The Euro­pean Union has delayed its first…


    Missing your Cali reds? Niagara’s Bella Terra has the answer you’re looking for

    Missing your Cali reds? Niagara’s Bella Terra has the answer you’re looking for

    In these days of dis­rup­tive tar­iffs and boy­cotts of Amer­i­can wines, more and more…

    A collaborative vision for Niagara’s Tawse and Redstone wineries

    A collaborative vision for Niagara’s Tawse and Redstone wineries

    Jess Otting and Augus­ta Van­muyen have formed an extra­or­di­nary tan­dem, bring­ing…


    A collaborative vision for Niagara’s Tawse and Redstone wineries

    A collaborative vision for Niagara’s Tawse and Redstone wineries

    Jess Otting and Augus­ta Van­muyen have formed an extra­or­di­nary tan­dem, bring­ing…

    The Mavericks: ‘Visionary’ Trenholm brings Canadian wines and events to the people

    The Mavericks: ‘Visionary’ Trenholm brings Canadian wines and events to the people

    A vision­ary, a mav­er­ick, a savvy busi­ness­woman … all apt descrip­tors for…

    News (Continued)

    Diageo warns Trump: proposed tariffs could threaten thousands of American jobs

    Diageo warns Trump: proposed tariffs could threaten thousands of American jobs

    Dia­geo, the world’s largest pre­mi­um alco­hol drinks group, has warned Pres­i­dent…

    What will the impact of Trump tariffs on fine wine?

    What will the impact of Trump tariffs on fine wine?

    Amer­i­can fine wines held in bond in the UK are like­ly to become ​“tru­ly valu­able” if…

    Ontario bans U.S. alcohol imports in retaliation to tariffs

      Ontario bans U.S. alcohol imports in retaliation to tariffs

      As part of Ontario’s response strat­e­gy to U.S. tar­iffs, the gov­ern­ment of Ontario…

      Ontario rushes to fill empty LCBO shelves with local VQA wine, plus Vintage picks

      Ontario rushes to fill empty LCBO shelves with local VQA wine, plus Vintage picks

      As the LCBO act­ed swift­ly to remove all U.S. booze from its store shelves last week,…

      Canada DTC Miracle? The Devil is in the Details

      Canada DTC Miracle? The Devil is in the Details

      Yes­ter­day (March 5th), the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment issued a first min­is­ters’…

      Tariff War’s Effect on U.S. Wine in Canada

      Tariff War’s Effect on U.S. Wine in Canada

      This morn­ing, the Trump admin­is­tra­tion announced that it will pro­ceed with blan­ket…

      Innovation in organic practices: a sustainable future for vineyards

      Innovation in organic practices: a sustainable future for vineyards

      As cli­mate con­tin­ues to threat­en vine­yards, are organ­ic and regen­er­a­tive…

      AI in alcohol: the good, the bad and the hilariously unpredictable

      AI in alcohol: the good, the bad and the hilariously unpredictable

      There was a time when choos­ing a bot­tle of wine meant either stick­ing to…

      How Climate Disasters Are Recalibrating Wine Collecting

      How Climate Disasters Are Recalibrating Wine Collecting

      When Paul Ricci’s fam­i­ly ren­o­vat­ed their New Jer­sey home, he installed a wine…

      Geopolitics, trade wars and Gen Z: What’s next for the future of drinks?

      Geopolitics, trade wars and Gen Z: What’s next for the future of drinks?

      At Wine Paris last week, indus­try lead­ers dis­cussed the impact of geopo­lit­i­cal…

      U.S.-Canada trade dispute paused, but alcohol tariffs still loom

        U.S.-Canada trade dispute paused, but alcohol tariffs still loom

        Pro­posed 25% tar­iffs on wine and spir­its threat­en indus­try sta­bil­i­ty on both…

        Well played, Canada, well played … plus new Two Sisters 2020 red wines in review

        Well played, Canada, well played … plus new Two Sisters 2020 red wines in review

        That was one wild week in the world of Cana­di­an wine, from tar­iffs to a ban on…

        Tourism (Continued)

        Hester Creek releases its Columbia Valley wines

        Hester Creek releases its Columbia Valley wines

        Hes­ter Creek Estate Win­ery near Oliv­er is one of the first Okana­gan winer­ies to…

        The Mavericks: ‘Visionary’ Trenholm brings Canadian wines and events to the people

        The Mavericks: ‘Visionary’ Trenholm brings Canadian wines and events to the people

        A vision­ary, a mav­er­ick, a savvy busi­ness­woman … all apt descrip­tors for…

        Foxcroft and Wingfield: A tale of two vineyards

        Foxcroft and Wingfield: A tale of two vineyards

        Sarah Marsh MW reports from the Twen­ty Mile Bench on the Nia­gara Penin­su­la, where two…

        The dynamic transformation of Nova Scotia’s wines

        The dynamic transformation of Nova Scotia’s wines

        A new wave of Nova Sco­tia wines from a new gen­er­a­tion is redefin­ing this…

        Wine Information Council

        Is there a difference between red and white wine regarding cancer risk?

          Is there a difference between red and white wine regarding cancer risk?

          Alco­hol has been clas­si­fied as car­cino­gen by the Inter­na­tion­al Agency for…

          Moderate wine drinkers don‘t seem to have an increased colorectal cancer risk

            Moderate wine drinkers don‘t seem to have an increased colorectal cancer risk

            This prospec­tive study from Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty (with 2 groups of health…

            Light to moderate drinkers with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes

              Light to moderate drinkers with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes

              A new study from Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty showed that com­pared to non-drink­ing, light to…

              Madrid and Seville to research the effects of wine on healthy aging and gut health under FIVIN’s Funding Program

                Madrid and Seville to research the effects of wine on healthy aging and gut health under FIVIN’s…

                Two sci­en­tif­ic research projects devel­oped by the Fac­ul­ty of Med­i­cine of Seville…

                New Spanish study using an innovative measure finds cardiovascular benefits of moderate wine consumption

                  New Spanish study using an innovative measure finds cardiovascular benefits of moderate wine…

                  Drink­ing a small or mod­er­ate amount of wine low­ers the risk of seri­ous…

                  Mediterranean diet can lower risk of Type 2 diabetes – even in non-Mediterranean population

                    Mediterranean diet can lower risk of Type 2 diabetes – even in non-Mediterranean population

                    The increas­ing glob­al preva­lence of type 2 dia­betes shows the crit­i­cal…

                    To drink or not to drink? Investigating alcohol’s impact on prostate cancer risk

                      To drink or not to drink? Investigating alcohol’s impact on prostate cancer risk

                      Prostate can­cer (PCa) is one of the most com­mon­ly diag­nosed can­cers in men…


                      The States That Drink the Most Wine in America (2024) [MAP]

                        The States That Drink the Most Wine in America (2024) [MAP]

                        There’s a lot of doom and gloom in the wine indus­try right now. And while glob­al…

                        The U.S. Has a Long, Ugly History of Alcohol-Related Tariff Fights. They Don’t End Well.

                        The U.S. Has a Long, Ugly History of Alcohol-Related Tariff Fights. They Don’t End Well.

                        The tar­iff chaos of 2018 has come back with a vengeance. Soon after tak­ing office…

                        EU delays first tariffs against U.S. to mid-April

                        EU delays first tariffs against U.S. to mid-April

                        BRUS­SELS, March 20 (Reuters) — The Euro­pean Union has delayed its first…

                        Responsible Consumption

                        Supported by

                        Moderate alcohol intake boosts cardiovascular health, meta-analysis finds

                        Moderate alcohol intake boosts cardiovascular health, meta-analysis finds

                        The study, pub­lished by the Inter­na­tion­al Sci­en­tif­ic Forum on Alco­hol Research,…

                        Moderate wine drinkers don‘t seem to have an increased colorectal cancer risk

                          Moderate wine drinkers don‘t seem to have an increased colorectal cancer risk

                          This prospec­tive study from Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty (with 2 groups of health…

                          Light to moderate drinkers with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes

                            Light to moderate drinkers with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes

                            A new study from Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty showed that com­pared to non-drink­ing, light to…


                              Wine + Health 2: Wine Additives, Why They're Used, and Wine and Health Research with Creina…

                              Why do wine­mak­ers add chem­i­cals to wine? Are these addi­tives dan­ger­ous? How do we…

                              Wine + Health 3: A Look Behind the Anti-Alcohol Movement with Christopher Snowdon

                                Wine + Health 3: A Look Behind the Anti-Alcohol Movement with Christopher Snowdon

                                Who are the peo­ple behind the anti-alco­hol move­ment? And why are there so many…

                                  The Fun Police

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